Hi, glad to have you back.
1. The words I would say are counted by any delimiter so hyphenated words will count as two words, but words ending with an apostrophe s will be counted as one word. Numbered lists will be an exception, in that case then the prefixing number will not be counted, so long as the number is not part of the conveyed information.
2. Up to two words is the input (processing) restriction. The game should expect VERB, or VERB NOUN, or perhaps just NOUN. "GO NORTH" is already handled by adventuron and it will change the input the "NORTH", same with all other directions. Handling one word inputs is definitely allowed. Adventuron throws away extra words, so if the player types CUT ROPE WITH SWORD, then the game should only process "CUT ROPE", the "WITH SWORD" will be ignored.
3. Similarly, if the player types "ASK FOR HELP" and you create a matcher like : match "ask help", then FOR will be a word that is not in the game dictionary and will be discarded by the parser. Therefore the player can type "ASK HELP" or "ASK FOR HELP" and a matcher that just processes "ASK HELP" will process both inputs. It is expected that players will be informed on the game page to expect one or two word inputs.
4. Visual effects are allowed, but not graphics, if you can figure out how to do them. I won't help with this.