О, дуже приємно, що вам сподобалася моя маленька гра)
But if I understood correctly - you don't know Ukrainian, but you read and played the game?
Привіт! Насправді я ще не дочитав візуальний роман. Щоб прочитати його, я набираю кожен рядок на веб-сайті за допомогою української клавіатури, перекладаю за допомогою Google translate те, що я набрав, а потім записую як оригінальний сценарій, так і його перекладену версію в цифровий документ. Насправді я пишу цей коментар за допомогою Google Translate.
Щодо самої гри, я чомусь не можу відкрити завантажену версію (вкладка гри закривається незабаром після її відкриття, і все, що я бачу на вкладці, темно-сіре/чорне).
Hello! Actually, I haven't finished reading the visual novel. To read it, what I do is type each line on a website with an Ukrainian keyboard, translate with Google translate what I typed, and then record both the original script and its translated version on a digital document. In fact, I typed the Ukrainian version of this comment with Google translate.
Regarding the game itself, for some reason I can't open the downloaded version (the game's tab is closed shortly after opening it, and all I can see on the tab is dark grey/black).
Edit: the web version does work. I am reading the visual novel from that one.
Oh, I didn't even expect that my little project on the game Jam could interest someone so much. It's nice to read.
I'll just say that I'd really like to turn my "Herzog of Solitude" (I know that in English it would be "Duke", but I prefer the German version of this word) into a more complete and finished work, and then translate it at least into English (and all this will take a lot of time). But if you are so interested in learning a small piece of history between the Hellish Herzog and a brave mortal - who am I to argue with your zeal?
As for the problems with launching - please forgive me, it's purely my fault. The first serious work with Godot, and the fact that it doesn't work is just a problem of my clumsy hands. The game itself needs to be completely remade. Because damn - a novel without the ability to save or even rewind a line - that's terrible. And that's only the top of its problems.
I have only one question - did you download the version for Windows or for Linux?
I thought it was a problem with the Linux version, but... oh, I don't even know what to say. I just haven't had anyone contact me with a problem like this yet.
The only thing I can guess is... I named the game files in Cyrillic (which was a bad idea to begin with), and that's what's causing the problem.