So the game features specism, is that so?
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Привіт! Насправді я ще не дочитав візуальний роман. Щоб прочитати його, я набираю кожен рядок на веб-сайті за допомогою української клавіатури, перекладаю за допомогою Google translate те, що я набрав, а потім записую як оригінальний сценарій, так і його перекладену версію в цифровий документ. Насправді я пишу цей коментар за допомогою Google Translate.
Щодо самої гри, я чомусь не можу відкрити завантажену версію (вкладка гри закривається незабаром після її відкриття, і все, що я бачу на вкладці, темно-сіре/чорне).
Hello! Actually, I haven't finished reading the visual novel. To read it, what I do is type each line on a website with an Ukrainian keyboard, translate with Google translate what I typed, and then record both the original script and its translated version on a digital document. In fact, I typed the Ukrainian version of this comment with Google translate.
Regarding the game itself, for some reason I can't open the downloaded version (the game's tab is closed shortly after opening it, and all I can see on the tab is dark grey/black).
Edit: the web version does work. I am reading the visual novel from that one.
¿Qué onda master? Empecé a jugar tu novela visual. En principio debo admitir que tiene una UI muy visualmente chida. ¿En qué plataforma la programaste?
Ya le hable del juego a otras personas para que lo prueben. ¿Puede ser que tenga referencias a Danganronpa en la forma de presentar a los personajes?
Quizá después escriba una devolución más elaborada. Gracias por este juego, ProfeNejo. Le veo potencial.
PD: Qué basado el chavo que lee Freud. ¿Sigue en desarrollo el juego o fue discontinuado?
En primer lugar, te felicito por checar las novelas del MAY WOLF 2024 y apoyar a la furrobanda. Sos genial.
Segundo: Francia
Tercero: De hecho, cuando jugué Password al principio pensé "es como si unos furros estuvieran en Gran Hermano". Luego ví lo que pasó después y XD.
So...your VN is next in my list. So...24th VN I will read and rate from this jam, here we go!
Edit 1: Ok, I have just finished reading Roy's route. The relationship dynamics were portrayed in such a way it felt ... idk how to say it ... real? Presentation was nice. Story was a creative subversion of the May Wolf trope.
Those are my thoughts on this VN. Thanks for the experience!
Ah yes, the one with the serval! 23th VN I will read and rate from this jam, here we go!
Edit 1: I have just read and rated this entry. It was cute. It was interesting how you managed to tell the story without a minuciously-descriptive narration, making it feel more like the thought train of an actual person. Liked how you implemented many cool ren'py features such as animations and moving sprites, which I believe gives you presentation points. However, the music sometimes didn't fit the moment and the sprites could have used some tweaking (I get it though, I am not expecting people to come up with extremely fancy sprites in just a month). The story sometimes feel rushed, but sort of...real? at the same time.
I saw the What We were Wolf reference in the mall poster.
Those are my thoughts in this VN. Thanks for the experience.
So today we are reading another entry from JMJerbear, huh? I remember this was one of the first submissions of this jam.
22th VN I will read from this jam, READY, SET, GO!
Edit 1: I have just finished reading this VN. I loved the dad's monologue, truly. It kind of felt like an actual dad telling his son about his past. A touching story and game, you could say. For something made in four days, I admit it's pretty decent.
Later on I might be coming with a review comment. Thanks for the experience!
Congratulations! You got a new reader!
21th VN I will read and rate from this jam, here we go!
Edit 1: I have just finished this. Things really picked up, huh? Later on I might come with a review comment, but not now as I am in a hurry to read and rate all the entries (at least the non late-qualified ones) before May Wolf ends.