Regarding the score, I've worked out how to play the success tune when I find a treasure and when I drop it in the treasure room, so I'll use that instead.
Is it possible to customise the success tune?
Yes the jingles are configurable.
If you name subroutines the following names, they will be executed as a jingle:
Obviously these are only executed if jingles are enabled in the theme_settings {} of the theme, but the TWO theme and anything that extends it enables kindles by default.
Option 1 - If you extend the two theme (keyboard clicks already enabled in parent theme so no additional setting required):
start_at = my_location
start_theme = my_theme locations { my_location : location "You are in a room." ;
} themes {
my_theme : theme {
extends = two
theme_settings {
keyboard_click_pattern = 3, 3
Option 2 - If you don't extend the two theme (keyboard clicks need to be set on as off by default),
start_at = my_location
start_theme = my_theme locations {
my_location : location "You are in a room." ;
} themes {
my_theme : theme {
theme_settings {
keyboard_click = on
keyboard_click_pattern = 3, 3
I don't think it works. I'm extending the two theme. Before making any keyboard click changes, I get a click for the very first keystroke, then nothing else for the rest of the game. I thought this was a bug. After making the suggested changes, I get silence. (At least it got rid of that annoying initial key click.)
Booted up IE and couldn't get Adventuron classroom3 working at all. At first, I couldn't even get to the web site and discovered that I had to enable an earlier version of SSL & two later version of TTL in the options. Now I can't get past the loading screen after clicking the licence acceptance button. Any idea why that would be?