AND! If I place "press_any_key" right before the "win_game", it looks as like I expect! But then it shows header and waits for one more key press...
It looks like as soon as you print something, the status bar comes back. I'm not sure if this is by design or not. Unless Adventuron has a better solution, I think the best way to overcome your problem is to apply a new theme without a status bar before clearing the screen. Here is a complete game based on the treasure hunt example in the tutorial that does what you want.
start_at = treasure_room
treasure_room = treasure_room
start_theme = two
locations {
treasure_room : location "The treasure room";
tomb : location "A tomb";
connections {
from, direction, to = [
treasure_room, east, tomb,
objects {
lamp : object "a lamp" at = "tomb" treasure = "true";
game_settings {
treasure_hunt_mode = bespoke
on_tick {
: if (treasure_deposited() == treasure_total()) {
: set_theme "my_theme";
: clear_screen;
: print "You remember nothing. You just have the feeling that this night was full of fear and adventure.";
: win_game;
themes {
my_theme : theme {
extends = two
theme_settings {
layout = D X O