It looks like as soon as you print something, the status bar comes back. I'm not sure if this is by design or not. Unless Adventuron has a better solution, I think the best way to overcome your problem is to apply a new theme without a status bar before clearing the screen. Here is a complete game based on the treasure hunt example in the tutorial that does what you want.
start_at = treasure_room
treasure_room = treasure_room
start_theme = two
locations {
treasure_room : location "The treasure room";
tomb : location "A tomb";
connections {
from, direction, to = [
treasure_room, east, tomb,
objects {
lamp : object "a lamp" at = "tomb" treasure = "true";
game_settings {
treasure_hunt_mode = bespoke
on_tick {
: if (treasure_deposited() == treasure_total()) {
: set_theme "my_theme";
: clear_screen;
: print "You remember nothing. You just have the feeling that this night was full of fear and adventure.";
: win_game;
themes {
my_theme : theme {
extends = two
theme_settings {
layout = D X O