Got no Virus Warning like the others, so I guess I'm now infected?
Ran around the Map a bit, and got lost in the Labyrinth. It's not a final Map, it's a showcase of the current Features, why do you need an empty Labyrinth in there? Just make it a straight Room to Room Thing, and feed the Informations one after the other, not all at once.
There isn't much to say there, as there isn't much in the Game yet. Systems seemed to work, hitting Enemies felt a bit tricky, the long wait until you're allowed to do an Attack didn't particularly help. I understand wanting to prevent spamming attack, but consider increasing Attack Animation Timings for that or something instead of having an arbitrary Timer.
If you equip 2 Weapons, you still only can use One with how the Ability System is setup. Also at least for me the Mousewheel scrolled through Abilities in the wrong Direction.
Not really much else, but it's a start.