Glad to see you again this demo day! I see you fixed many of the collision problems the game had last time, good job. I had some problems with the crawl button on the controller (I think you can't press it twice to go back to standing) so I switched to the keyboard. I like how the game mixes 2D and 3D without losing cohesion.
I had a problem with the guard in the school (around 17:10). I went up to him and talked to him. Then, I jumped over the counter to get to the other side; this got me immediately tased and sent back to the menu screen. I hadn't a save so I had to play the tutorial all over again. Then, when I got to the school again, he was standing outside waiting for me. This is probably not the intended behavior. Everything else worked fine until I had the same freeze problem as Federx but with another door (at the end).