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E. Lowell

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Your game has a good concept and plays well, but it has bugs. I missed the first line of dialogue at the end of stage 1 because I was holding Z. The game crashed when I got to what I believe is the mid-boss of the second stage. I think there could be more enemy patterns, both in terms of movement and bullets. It seems there are too many enemies that shoot at you in a straight line, which is very inconvenient if you haven't routed the stage since it will limit your movement options. The first stage also feels kind of "fast," but that may be the difficulty.

Hello. There's a readme, but you're right that the controls should be explained in-game. I'll add it to my to-do list.

Hello. The game ceases updating once the game over screen reaches full opacity. Maybe you got a lot of score before you died and it kept counting up until you got the game over screen. I've got that a couple of times. It's not supposed to happen, but I didn't find it urgent to fix since I thought it was rare. Thank you for the heads up, I'll address it in the next build.

Haha yeah, I am playing on Linux. Honestly, I did not find it weird when I was playing.

Thank you for the feedback. I'll be honest, I forgot about the game for a while so I just threw the second stage together in a week. Hopefully it still turned out better than the first one, however.

I think her "looking up" sprite looks dumb so I avoided drawing attention to it by making the game start on her zero angle sprite. After you die once, she should always be pointing up on restart. I've thought of a couple of ways to make this better, but I would have to animate more stuff. I might address it in a future update.

I didn't change the menu system much since last time, but I do plan to make it more user-friendly. Lives will be added soon (probably). I tried my hand at telegraphing in an earlier version but I'll have to fix the broken particle system first.  I'm not sure what to do with Lombard's sword.  I guess you can pretend it's a baseball bat and the bullets are baseballs. Please don't take the dialogue seriously.

It's 4GB RAM bad. I think I'll have replace it soon. I doubt anyone here has a worse PC than mine, but my suggestion is to add an option to disable some shadows/shaders or reduce render distance for low-end computers.

It barely ran on my toaster so I can't give it much criticism.  I did like the VN introduction part (I skipped it because I'd already seen it). However, I did find a game-breaking bug at 13:15 and what seems to be another bug at around 10:00 (I'm not sure if you're supposed to do that). I played the native Linux version.

This feels like a 2D Dark Souls with a Hawaiian aesthetic. Although the introduction and the pamphlets offered a bit of context, I still found it unclear what's going on or where to go, but I've only played the first 20 minutes so far. I like the animations, especially on the trees.

I don't usually play walking simulators but I liked it. Although I don't know what the story is about yet (the game seems to be set in some sort of AI company) it seems intriguing. I enjoyed the atmosphere and playing around with the physics. I think the game has potential. Also, Gina a cute. At 26 minutes I ran into some sort of weird bug... thankfully I recorded it, so I don't have to try to explain it. I played the native Linux version.

The first thing I thought when I started the game was the filter and brightness make the screen too hard to see, but it turns out the contrast between the bullets and the background is on point, so it's no real issue. However, the enemies could stand out a bit more. In terms of gameplay, it's a good CAVE-like shmup and I had fun with it. Finally, this is a matter of taste, but I'd rather have the bomb make you invincible for a couple of seconds and be shorter than up your firepower.

Some bugs: the game returns an error on start-up since the asset directory and the .exe file have different filenames. Changing them manually fixes this. In the settings, the "windowed" option seems to do the opposite of what it says. It also freezes my game, but that just might be a Wine issue (I played this on Linux).

Hey, thanks for streaming my game. It helped me a lot understand the current problem with the difficulty. I hadn't had anyone playtest it before, so I didn't know it was that hard before submitting to DD (though I admit I was only kidding when I said it could be beaten it easily). I already have something set up for showing your hitbox, seems like it was one of the main problems with the demo. I also agree the clouds are a big problem for readability. Glad you liked my amateurish art, though. Hopefully the game will be more playable by the next demo day.

Thank you for the feedback. The boss's first attack is supposed to be learnable, but I made it in a rush for the demo so it may be unbalanced. In fact, it's probably the hardest attack on normal. I'll definitely change it in the future.

I took the control scheme from a  SNES shooter I played a long time ago. It definitely had a lot more angles, but at my current art and programming knowledge it would be hard to implement more states without it looking weird. That's one of the main issues with the player along with the gravity-defying projectiles. Adding a "slow movement" button would be simple but I don't know how it would synergize with the rest of the controls.

The sword has a constant hitbox, even when it's down, so making it a hold would change how it behaves. Generally I don't want the player to have to use too many keys. The sword is mainly for scoring and making dodging easier. If you didn't need it that means you were too good at the game (or I didn't explain properly how it works.) To be honest, it's very unfinished.

I've made it to the prison level so far. I have to say it's a pretty fun game if you get past the initial shock. The controls are learnable. The story is hard to grasp but the dialogue is charming in its own way. I think the characters interactions are very cute. The art is creative, although the hard outlines make it look bad. In fact, this game seems very art-oriented so above all I'd suggest improving the art.

I'd suggest adding more physics. It's weird how you keep momentum one way even after you jump off the ice, while the swinging pendulum you grab onto, which looks like it should have momentum, has none.

This has probably already been mentioned many times, but no music takes a lot out of the game. At first I was very creeped out by the atmosphere until the cutscenes made it clear they're not all murder victims and actually just isekai'd into a different dimension.

I wrote the demo with the highest difficulty in mind. The stage part is learnable, boss is tough even for me. But you're right that it might be too hard for people who don't usually play shmups, I'll add a difficulty setting.

Frame rate should be fixed now. Thank you for the feedback.

Very enjoyable, simple game. My favorite moment was when I jumped off the cliff on stage 2 thinking I was going to cheese the game, and then proceed to land back at the start. The music is also good, and the art is coherent. Don't have any particular criticisms except that it's short.

I added the libraries in the file, so it should run out of the box now. Thanks for the heads-up.

Whoops. It ran through Wine so I thought it would work. Thanks for letting me know, I'll change it to Linux-only until I fix it.