>You can move your Space Ship around, I got immediately lost
I've heard this problem. I made the throttle too high. You have to type it pretty lightly or you get slingshotted into space without your bearings. I'll change this today.
>Skybox seems not to move, but maybe it's just too far away.
A skybox is only supposed to move when you rotate, correct? I see it moving when I press the rotation keys. I just checked again before typing this out. But maybe I'm misunderstanding something.
>It also doesn't wrap properly
I made the asset myself and I honestly don't know how to do this in an image editor. It's actually a placeholder because I am going to make a procedural skybox at some point using projection math.
>I don't want this to sound Rude, but I don't really know why this is in DD, if this is supposed to be going somewhere, maybe next DD would've been a better Date
I don't find the comment rude. I do plan on adding more before the deadline. I have some code I'm reusing from other projects. I was trying to challenge myself and see how much I could get done before DD ends. I uploaded it early (as stated in my first post) because I was busy yesterday and wasn't sure how busy I'd be today at the time and I didn't know how much I could add or if I would be near a computer when DD ended. I wanted it to be uploaded here just in case. I felt if I didn't upload anything after saying I would it would be a personal failure and dishonest. I kind of also overestimated what I could do in a short period of time. But I still have over 24 hours and nothing to do today so I want to see how much more I can do before DD ends.
I was working on a pathing system
>If this is not supposed to be going anywhere and you just wanted to try Raylib/WASM, that's nice, but doesn't mean it should be in DD.
I disagree but I appreciate the response.
>Sorry if this came off wrong.
It didn't. It is better to have something a bit more complete so the people playing don't feel like they are wasting their time. I tried to make a web version because I didn't want people to worry about downloading until it was more complete.