Completed the game on easy difficulty! It's nice to know that under my leadership, not the first time of course, humanity was able to survive and enter a golden age :).
It took me a while to figure it all out, but not too long. I still haven't figured out how to unselect people after I've selected them, except that I can select other people, then the previous selection is canceled. But I'm not sure that the previously selected people will complete my task after I select new ones.
My strategy was as follows - move around the map by building towers :D. And in the middle, build houses, barracks, churches, etc. As far as I understand, barracks and churches provide skills for men and women in the battle with vampires and skeletons. Later, I found skeleton barracks in the form of skulls, and the vampire palaces themselves, which were successfully destroyed :).
The music and graphics are also well done. I would like more innovation, and also, as others have already mentioned, although it is a very good game, unfortunately it does not reveal animal themes, although there are cows and as you say people :).
It would be nice to be able to move the camera not only with the mouse, but also with the help of the keyboard - arrow keys and WASD.
It was really interesting and fun to play, congratulations!