Very good from what I have seen so far but I wanted to note a few difficulties here before I forget them later! (I am playing 0.3.2 I believe).
Evenings are nigh on useless in the early game and I lost a few days curtesy of Victoria skipping waking me up and then cutting to the next day due to a quest item having been finished which was a bit odd and potentially frustrating if there is a day count being kept (I haven't seen one though so maybe it doesn't matter? - many of these types of games have a day cycle which matters and many don't so I never know which to expect! :)
Collecting things through the portal takes no time at all but using the resource mini-games does making them harder too use than just repeating the easy starter quest... bit odd.
The difficulty scaling so far on the portal quests means that I'm all done upgrading the fire branch (which seemed necessary for the ice quest) as well as halfway done with the physical attributes upgrades and some of the magical spells upgrades by grinding the starter quest and then doing the ice quest once... I don't know if it is intentional but to start with there was a difficulty curve but then it just fell away as I soared above all like a phoenix (cf fire magic! - plus the magical armour!!)
Some of the (English) dialogue is in need of corrections and Tom, in particular, needs some tone corrections (I was friendly to him) unless he is meant to be split personality, bipolar or have some other reason for changing emotional tone wildly within the same conversation! I understand he isn't supposed to like us but the tone of the English comes across quite strangely! (If I have time I should go back through and pick out the minor mistakes but Tom looks more like rewrite territory - though maybe it is due to my "friendly" choice?) I might also try it out again in a different language.
Oh, mustn't forget, the English descriptions of the first two Victoria pictures doesn't match them! (Probably just due to updates)
I'll note that I've had a crash also but as the game is unloading... maybe it is an app problem as I install the game using that - bug report sent but I don't know who it goes to!
Overall this is an amazing game - the things above re more QoL than anything and some likely due to the still progressing nature of the game! (But I though it might be useful to have a beginners view of the game in case it highlighted things that old eyes had missed...)
Edit: I forgot the thing that prompted me to remember to make a comment in the first place! It would be helpful if the magic upgrades to damage, duration etc. were reflected in the descriptions of the spells in the same way that the weight of the spells was updated! For me I now can't tell which offensive spell is best except by trial and error on tough enemies (ones I don't want to experiment with) because they all have completely the wrong numbers! :)
2nd Edit: I found it strange that I could convince Audrey to become a model for Olivia by suggesting the practical aspects of clothing but I was not allowed to do the same with Louise!?! Maybe an option for the future?