Well for every meaningful choice, he has to create another storyline and variables and outcomes.
How many choices have you made in the last few weeks of your real life? If someone had to write a different variations for each line you may have taken, as well as as for new choices you might have to make in those other variations, then i would have to say that an exponential length of time for each chapter does make a kind of sense.
If the quality of the story is going downhill in your eyes, maybe it is because of a**es like you who keep trying to rush him through each update.
Less time to work on it means lower quality work.
Also called 'Stop B*tching" and "Let Him Work."
Viewing post in Tales From The Unending Void comments
All that you do is fanboying, donning your bright armor and riding your white horse to rescue the creator in distress without any actual strength, which can only get you roasted by the evil dragon that I am. π²
I can only laugh at you comparing something as complicated as real life to an AVN however I want to ask you the same question you asked about my real life but this time about this AVN.
How many meaningful choices have been made available in the last chapters of this AVN?
Another meaningful question: Did I actually try to rush anything?
A better question yet: Do you even realize that by stating that "it is because of asses (What's wrong? Your mom told you not to swear? π) like me who keep trying to rush him that the quality of the story is going downhill" and that "less time to work on it means lower quality work", you literally just acknowledged that "the quality of the story is going downhill" and it is "lower quality work" defeating your own futile attempt at defending something which you actually criticize yourself? πΌ
Moreover, your insults show that you react more out of emotion than reason, you basically throw a tantrum like the petulant child that you are instead of reasoning like an adult, you basically take into heart to defend the porn onto which you jerk off when your parents aren't home, don't you? π
That's the thing, you see, Perverteer has been taking increasingly more time to work on it whereas the quality of his work has been decreasing, which contradicts your point, doesn't it? πΌ
Moreover, I didn't even bother Perverteer in his work as I merely answered to someone's else comment without involving Perverteer into the discussion at all and the simple fact that you accuse me of things which I actually didn't do confirms your total lack of points to make and all that you did was to amuse me with your vain emotional fan-boy outburst. π
Nah man, I dont fanboy. I'm the first one to admit when something is actually shitty. But as a content creator myself, I'm saying I understand why he takes so long when dealing with trolls like you. As for rescuing - there's no reason to need to rescue someone from someone who hides behind a screen.
All i did was explain the reasons for taking more time.
As for saying the quality is going downhill, my precise comment was 'If the quality of the story is going downhill in your eyes'
If you believe the quality is going downhill, it is only doing so in your eyes - I was merely providing you a context in which to frame your perceived loss.
Also, as a diagnosed autistic sociopath, I am incapable of "emotional reactions"
I also happen to be asexual - so jerking off to porn is the last thing on my mind. I prefer story to pixelized sexual acts.
Perhaps.... the only emotional response here is coming from you?
If that is the case, don't feel bad. Non-Sociopaths all need to lash out to those who make them feel inferior from time to time. You can't help it. It's a chemical flaw embedded in your DNA. An instinct you have no choice but to react to - like a moth unable to resist a flame.
Inferiority merely means you know your place - like the omega wolf submitting to it's better. Even as it bitches, it has no choice but to present itself to those it knows to be better then itself.
Take care of yourself, Tinkerbell. And don't forget to spread your ass-cheeks.
Well then you must really be a shitty creator to feel such a need to defend a fellow creator going downhill, especially as you actually acknowledged his loss of quality. π
People have been using this word "troll" so much for any reason that no one actually knows what it means anymore and whenever someone keeps using such a meaningless word is already a telltale indication of the low intelligence level of this person who can only mindlessly repeat words which they do not even understand themselves.
It's funny how you pretend that I hide behind a screen whereas I actually show my face while you hide yours and it it just as funny how you proudly claim that there is no need to rescue someone to justify your lame attempt at rescuing someone which started this whole comedic dialogue.
In fact, you are so self-centered that you feel an urge to explain someone else's work instead of the creator himself, which I am not so sure he appreciates you talking in his stead and making him appear as unable to explain himself. π
I believe that you are delusional, I don't even have any doubt about that, not so much that you are diagnosed autistic and sociopath because you obviously don't even know what these conditions are since autistic people are like human computers who can only think logically, which is the opposite of your irrational behavior, however I do believe that you are a sociopath because sociopaths are people who have no emotional control, which is what you have actually been demonstrating with your erratic behavior and which leads me to conclude that you lied when you claimed you were diagnosed a sociopath even though you are one because you confused it with a psychopath who is the one who actually doesn't feel anything and is the opposite of a sociopath that you are. π
Well then, too bad for your asexuality that the second season has been focusing more onto fucking everyone than on actual story progression since each chapter basically features dates with everyone and barely advances the story so if you don't care about porn and are here for the story then you of all people must have noticed that the second season has not been offering much story compared to the first season which was far better balanced between story and relationships while the second season is all about relationships and a little bit of story between two orgies. π
Yes, I don't deny it, my answers to you are influenced by an emotion, that is the amusement that your madness inspires me. Especially your delusions of superiority whereas I have been having fun breaking every each of your frail points as easily as blowing onto a cards house because that is how weak your argumentation has been so far. πΌ
Moreover, you are suspiciously specific about how it feels to suffer from an inferiority complex, something which you couldn't know if you were as superior as you laughably pretend to be, and it is common knowledge that people suffering from an inferiority complex compensate by pretending to be superior which is a delusion just as you have been demonstrating, especially since, as I pointed out, you are suspiciously specific about how it feels to suffer from an inferiority complex as if, you know, you are merely describing how you feel yourself.
You can't help it. It's a chemical flaw embedded in your DNA. An instinct you have no choice but to react to - like a moth unable to resist a flame.
I understand, so that's why you had no choice but to react to your instinct to defend a fellow bad creator (well, to be fair, he was one of the best at first season, not so much at second season), you couldn't help it because of a chemical flaw embedded in your DNA, you needed to lash out to me because I made you feel inferior, thank you for your thorough description of your feelings even if you pretended they were mine as if you could know so accurately what you don't feel yourself.
Inferiority merely means you know your place - like the omega wolf submitting to it's better. Even as it bitches, it has no choice but to present itself to those it knows to be better then itself.
So why have I not been submitting to you if you are my better and I know my place? See? You make it so easy to humiliate you that all I have to do is point out your own contradictions in your delusional argumentation to cause it to collapse like the frail cards house that it is as I stated. πΌ
The mere fact that you call me Tinkerbell speaks volumes of how you live in fairy tales and even if I spread my ass cheeks, I would be safe since you would be too busy vainly trying to get your impotent cock up to even pay attention to me and this is my last point to make fun of you who pretends to be an alpha wolf and make me his submissive bitch even as you state that you can't fuck anything. π€£
Farewell, Don Quixote! π
you are 100% that the story/content of season 2 is a vastly lower than season 1. I also have grown tremendously bored of season 2, and i believe that the dev has as well, hence slowing down releases and making less content for each update. I ultimately believe this will become an abandoned project after season 2, assuming he finishes season 2.
I remember how eagerly I used to wait for each new chapter in the first season because each new chapter was full of adventures.
Now? Each new chapter of second season has been growing evermore emptier and the AVN itself has turned into the endless void that its title entailed from the start. π
Why? Because the first season was well balanced as it progressed both story and relationships simultaneously whereas the second season has been slowing down the progression of story to focus more on having orgies with the crew, in other words, the second season has broken the balance between story and porn, emphasizing more onto porn and barely on story which has actually become an endless void as it is unlikely to end any time soon at the snail pace it has been advancing and nothing happens anymore, forget adventuring because now it is all about fucking around.
Each new objective in the first season was completed into a single chapter whereas the second season takes multiple chapters (too many) to achieve one single quest because it takes one chapter to start a new objective beside fucking around, then it takes another chapter to continue the same objective while still finding time to fuck around, and it takes one more chapter to FINALLY be done with the objective started two chapters ago while never forgetting to fuck around, this AVN has grown to lose its balance which it successfully achieved at its first season which was far superior to the downgrading second season and I share your feeling that I have been growing increasingly less motivated to even care about this empty story anymore because remember how I described how impatiently I used to wait for each new chapter? Now I don't care anymore when will the next chapter be available because I don't expect anything good of them anymore and I believe we are not alone to have been disappointed in second season.
I remember my first comment here was to congratulate Perverteer for his improvement after his previous AVN Sisterly Lust which I disliked because its protagonist was a spoiled brat obsessed with fucking his family as he spent his time thinking of his family as sexdolls without any respect for them and who solved any problem with daddy's money, especially to get into his family's pants, so I remember that my first comment here was to congratulate Perverteer that his new protagonist, even though he was from nobility, didn't rely on his family's resources to achieve his goals as he deserted and started a new life all by himself with his crew towards who he is far more respectful than the previous protagonist who was a selfish brat who used people like his toys, I mean there is a reason why it was named Sisterly Lust and not Sisterly Love.
So I remember my first comment here was to congratulate Perverteer for his tremendous improvement after Sisterly Lust and I remember how hooked I was in first season and how impatiently I used to wait each new chapter because I couldn't wait to discover what will happen next. But now? I don't care anymore when the next chapter will be available because I don't expect them to satisfy anymore and I can only criticize Perverteer for his tremendous downgrade in his second season.
Since he announced a third season, I got the impression that he purposefully emptied the second season just to justify a third season and milk his patrons for as long as he can instead of completing what he started as fast as he can because if second season was as full as first season then there would be no need for a third season because the whole story could be completed in two seasons if the second season kept consistent with the quantity and quality of content of the first season.
Yes, I too used to anxiously await updates for season 1. I was very excited with the announcement of season 2, but as the months rolled on I was shocked and appalled at how with each subsequent update came less content, less story progression, and even the H-scenes were less interesting as though the dev was getting bored himself of coming up with creative and interesting ways for protagonist to deepen his relationships with the crew. Now it's more like a checklist.
I used to replay chapters multiple times to not only unlock every scene, but to thoroughly understand the plot and consider possible directions the story may head. Now, I don't even pay attention because progression is so slow and so much time is wasted that the game is actually wasting MY time. My interest has diminished so much that where I would check the official perverteer website weekly for updates in season 1, I actually forget the game exists during season 2 until something reminds me to look and after many months, I see the game hasn't moved an inch.
At this point I will wait for the final build of season 3 (if that ever happens) before I give this game another chance.
To be honest, his porn has been making me fall asleep because he sticks one single music to each character no matter the situation and these musics are DEFINITELY not suited to porn because they are too relaxing instead of being exciting, his soundtrack is static as I stated right here in a comment which I posted 4 months ago that I invite you to read to get the full explanation. π
There are also the facts that the pictures don't actually show what the texts describe because they keep showing something else that what the texts describe and the animations don't feel natural at all because they are too mechanical, all of this breaks immersion instead of enhancing it. π
However I do think that with better musics, animations and consistency between narration and pictures then the H scenes might actually feel good because these are their only actual flaws. π
Even when I was hooked in the first season, I played each chapter only once because I was already satisfied with my choices and I didn't care about unlocking everything just for the sake of it because I would have to make less satisfying choices to get them so they would be more punishments for bad choices than actual rewards. π
Actually, let me fire up the first (and better) season and check which scenes are missing in my gallery right now...
Threesome with Leda and Berit (Rape), Fucking Leda and Fucking Berit, I don't need them because I already got a sweet threesome with them which is the best option to me but which actually reminds me of something which has ALWAYS annoyed me even in first season which is that the narration always states that you fuck everyone hard even as you specifically chose to have sweet romantic sex which specially annoys me because it reminds me of the start of Sisterly Lust when the protagonist's dad's girlfriend asks to the virgin protagonist how he would like to have sex with girls and the protagonist dumbly answers "hard" which triggers her to sigh and call him unimaginative before she teaches him to be more creative and now THIS AVN's protagonist right here fucks just like the virgin protagonist from Sisterly Lust which has always been annoying me because it feels as if Perverteer has regressed to the low level of his virgin brat from his previous AVN even though that spoiled brat did learn to be more creative in sex while this new protagonist here is still at the level of always fucking everyone hard and that's it, he has no imagination at all! π« Moreover, I hate rape. π
Damn! I am hearing the main menu's music as I am writing and it makes me feel really nostalgic from the past time when I started this AVN and it hooked me before it disappointed me at its second season!
Ahem, anyway, where was I? π Oh, right, my gallery! Next missing scene is Blowing Luzane which is a hard pass to me as I even rejected both Ziv and Raene just because they have a cock and I really can't accept anything with a cock which is not mine, I even regret that Perverteer didn't include any possibility for Ziv and Raene to become full females if wanted so you can forget any scene involving any futanari because I can be friendly to them but nothing more than that. π
Next is Jade anal (hard) which is unlocked by treating Jade like shit which I refuse to do.
Then Boffing Botany which I have no idea what it is? π€·ββοΈ
Jumping on Jade, I guess this is part of the tyrannical relationship when you basically rape her?
Sampling the wares, I already got the Sampling ALL the wares so why would I need a lower version of it, eh? π
Shuttlecock, It's a kind of magic and Fertile Garden are 3 more mysteries to me. π€·ββοΈ
And Priestly Duties, I think it is if you choose to accept Erelyn offering you her daughter to rape her which is another hard pass to me as undeserved intimacy feels meaningless.
And that's it, these are all which is missing in my gallery and they require choices which I don't want to make to get them so I don't need them, simple as that. π
As for the plot, it has never been complicated enough to need more than one playthrough to fully understand it, this is a simple plot really while being unpredictable since you can never know where it will take you next as the characters themselves discover where to go step by step and never have a long term plan, which is a strength of this AVN as it keeps surprising you. π
Well... at least it USED to surprise you when it didn't take multiple chapters to achieve one single objective, sigh, I miss the good old time of first season when each chapter was longer, bigger and fuller than those insulting tiny short empty second season's chapters... π
Indeed, I remember back in first season how excited I felt at each release of a new chapter! π Now in second season? I don't care anymore, I don't rush anymore to update the AVN because I expect it to leave me unsatisfied as it has been doing for a while already.
And at the excruciatingly slow pace at which this AVN has been progressing ever since its second season, it is unlikely to be completed any time soon since it has turned out to be the "unending void" which its title announced from the start. π
Now that you mention it, I don't believe it would have even been difficult or even much extra work at all to provide an option for Ziv and Raene to be full female. He includes an option to disable incest, which has to include far more changes to dialogue and such than something so simple as removing a few options involving scenes that are already optional with cocks. Wouldn't change the story either. That way you could experience the Ziv and Raene romances, Raene in particular is very sweet and emotional and not at all because of the cock.
Nah, he doesn't offer an option to disable incest, he HAS TO pretend the relationships are not incestuous to please Patreon's arbitrary rules which prohibit incest because "this is immoral" all while allowing rape because what's wrong with rape, right? π
Then he provides uncensoring patches outside of Patreon in order to restore the true story instead of the Patreon's approved pretense.
And incest or not incest only changes the texts, not the graphics, while providing an option to remove Ziv and Raene's cocks require to adapt the graphics accordingly and therefore to provide multiple graphics' versions whereas I have already stated that his porn is not that good because their graphics are not that good as they feel too mechanical and inconsistent with the narration as the narration describes something and the graphics show something else. π
So he offers the bare minimal in graphics already and you expect him to offer multiple alternative versions of each scene? Really? πΌ
Indeed, as I said, I have always regretted that he did not offer any option to make Ziv and Raene full females because his arbitrary design to impose futanaris no matter the player's tastes has been locking me out of Ziv and Raene's romances, moreover there was not a single one futanari in his previous AVN Sisterly Lust so these futanaris here come from nowhere as he didn't have any interest for them not so long ago. Hmm? What? You said "woke"? He merely wants to be part of the current LGBT revolution and coup d'Γ©tat even if he doesn't actually care because he is a hypster? I think you might be right about that. π
Moreover, Raene wanted to be a girl so it doesn't even make sense that she kept her cock which she didn't want to have to begin with, I genuinely was surprised the first time I romanced her and discovered her cock even though she totally wanted to be a girl as in not keeping anything from her male past life which she never wanted to begin with, this really feels like Perverteer arbitrary and randomly decided to impose futanaris out of nowhere and I have never liked this "woke" bullshit because it has always been hypocritical from the start.
Youβve got that backwards. Sociopathy is the lack of ability to connect on a normal human level, hence the inexperience of love for another person. Itβs solely social, not emotional. Psychopathy is the lack of ability to regulate emotions, or the spirit/soul, leading to uncontrolled outbursts, psyche=soulβ¦ -pathy is roughly as it sounds. The path a person uses, or means for functioning their current condition.
I am positive you got it wrong because psychopaths can't experience emotional outbursts since they can't feel anything at all, they are completely emotionless and have to simulate their emotions to pretend to be normal, they are efficient manipulators, a famous fictional psychopath is Dr. Hannibal Lecter and you can also see the TV series Dexter about what psychopathy is for some examples among countless others.
As for sociopathy, it is the rejection of social norms, rules and laws, or to sum it up, the rejection of society.