man the art is amazing! I love how the ghost sprites fade in and out, move through walls and are sort of visible. The SFX, the jump scares! THE COZY ROOMS I MEAN WOW! I want to live there if it wasn't for the ghosts (great design on their faces as well!)
Love the colours on the sprites the blue and brown blend beautifully! And ofcourse the story, so cool to see you branch to a new franchise this GDKO! And use colour!
Constantly adding new ways to use your power as the story progresses was great to see.
Unfortunately the game crashed for me many times so I wasn't able to reach to the end. Some things if you want to consider: perhaps increasing the radius of your psychic power to catch objects a bit further (I was spamming untop of the book the pshyc button but nothing, had to move around and around and try, and that meant the ghost would get me). Same with finding the hidden objects or worse, repelling the ghost :D