Also for a response to your recent dev diary, I much prefer that you push back a release instead of rushing it if its not done. So tired of devs these day rushing releases way to early and end up ruining any momentum that the project had. Alway lay a groundwork of releasing good content instead of rushed content. This also helps improve technical debt to make future additions easier. Never be afraid to replace a normal content release with a Project Health release to fix bugs, improve gameplay/ui/animations/general features. Thats what I personally believe but if you want to take a different path that is fine by me.
I totally understand and I definitely don't want to rush a release, but I'll make them smaller and maybe not include a recap/outro everytime, since smaller releases don't need either anyway. It's just too punishing to not release a free to play game in shorter time spans, I need the publicity and can't go for the longer updates right now if I want to make this a living. :) Release a "project health release" sounds indeed like a good idea, like a 0.3.1 where I just focus on the smaller things, not certainly bugs, I'll see how this'll go in the future, thanks!