This doom style fps is really cool, I like the look, the 2D art is super stylish, I was having some major performance issues and actually crashed my browser at one point, it felt like maybe the cursor sensitivity was a little lower than I expected with how fast you run, but I know my cursor sensitivity was causing problems when I ported to web in my own submission so I'm not sure if its intended or not. When I wasn't having the performance issues though, this was really really fun! my only real note would be, if there was some jammin music track playing while you're blastin through I think it would be a major step up in game feel!
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Hey thanks for the feedback! I got some performance issues on my end as well so ill definitely look into that, think it could be that fact that the game doesn't compile the shaders before play. As for the sensitivity ill certainly have to add a setting for that. As for the lack of music im not the best composer but ill definitely look into add some!