Thank you so much for giving it a play! You made it to the bucket!!! So close to the end. I agree the indicator for the dash was something I wanted to add and just ran out of time, and yeah sensitivity once I ported to webGL got all messed up and my 'fix' for it made it a lot lower for some people and perfect for others, a sensitivity slider is a great idea! Thank you again for the feedback and fighting through the rage <3
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That is really good to know for browser differences! Certainly the biggest thing I'm a little upset about in the end. But thank you so much for playing and this feedback def fits with what my thought was. I didn't have time (I was finishing this up at 4am last night before my 8am work meetings) but I agree having some dash indicator and knowing where your mouse is similar to the highlight on the hammer in getting over it are the FIRST things I want to add to this when I can.
Wait this game is so good. I love how unique it is. I don't know how to read so I just messed about for a bit and my mind was blown when I grabbed a UI element and tossed it. I think the feel of tossing the elements could be tuned a bit, but this is a great concept and execution on the theme and the idea you were chasing I LOVE it and the music was indeed a bop.
This game was so cute!! I love the art, I love the almost... feeding frenzy/tasty planet/katamari vibes of the mechanic. Its a fun little take on the You are the weapon theme. I think making the interactable objects pop some how, with an outline, or something would be good, I didn't even notice the worms and snails at first but I got the hang of it. I'd also say I wish there was more feedback when you take damage. But overall this game is awesome!!!
This game rocks. It goes so hard, the game feel is really good, the difficulty scaling is great, I got to score 102, I wish it was a bit more clear what my 'current target' was. I think the overlapping words was good, as a difficulty check, properly making the decision of what words to spell to make others easier to see was an interesting emergent mechanic. I wish I was able to see the health of my wizard, but the simplicty of this game really shines!
I love seeing all the different bennet foddy inspired games being made but all feeling so distinct from eachother. This was super fun, there were a few bugs with the dash, and resetting didn't fix, and caused the camera to get misaligned, but nothing a quick page refresh doesn't solve. Love the art style, the simplicity was really nice and felt clean. Awesome submission!
Everyone else has said it, but the voice only sound effects went really hard, added some good humor to the game. The game feel itself was also really strong, that attack animation was BEEFY, felt good slamming into the enemies. I'd say my only note would be that I wish there was a bit more...platforming? It felt a bit weird to have a pogostick and not really need to jump much, but this game was awesome, super repayable trying to free more humans!
What an amazing concept, so simple, so easy to immediately pick it up and keep playing for awhile. I like the upgrade system to make it like a survivors style. I'd def say I wish I could better visualize enemy movement, the little image that shows when you hover is good, but it can sometimes be hard to tell just how many squares they can move, perhaps highlighting the actual ground of danger squares when you hover the enemy would be a good QOL change? Overall this was an awesome submission!
This game is cute, I really like the feel when you slam the materials together, adding SFX to that would amp it up even more. I saw a lot had to be cut for time, which is unfortunate because I'd have loved to see this expanded further, but I do think what you were able to get done was great! Only critique would be that, well, I didn't get the full theme interpretation of YOU being the weapon, but hey, you still made something really cool!
The simplicity of this game, but the amount of time I spent going again was awesome. I'm really bad at reading tutorials so it took me a minute to fully get it, but I have to say, this is a GREAT concept to flesh out, it gives big "Morphblade" vibes. The 1,2,4 jump and battery mechanic is really great. The movement decisions by the enemies was a bit hard to figure out, and the game def needs game feel juice, some sound effects, some visuals when you destroy and they knock back would be good. Making the knock back more obvious or having it eat their movement that turn might be good, as it was very hard to tell they were getting knocked back at all besides the fact I didnt die when I would push one back, but this is super awesome!
This doom style fps is really cool, I like the look, the 2D art is super stylish, I was having some major performance issues and actually crashed my browser at one point, it felt like maybe the cursor sensitivity was a little lower than I expected with how fast you run, but I know my cursor sensitivity was causing problems when I ported to web in my own submission so I'm not sure if its intended or not. When I wasn't having the performance issues though, this was really really fun! my only real note would be, if there was some jammin music track playing while you're blastin through I think it would be a major step up in game feel!
I absolutely love this possession mechanic and toss. I think it really has a lot of space to play in while feeling like a unique approach to this kind of platforming puzzle game. It being your first game, you killed it, small nitpicks here and there, the play button to launch in gave me some trouble, it took me a few throws off the edge to realize that the mob needed to move to the exit, so maybe making the end location a bit more obvious for the puzzle level. I didn't expect that the sword to fall through the platforms when you 'miss' your target, not even a complaint, just unexpected. Overall you did a great job, this was really fun!
Hey we made similar games just 3D vs 2D!! The platforming feels really good here. If anything the bounce on the extension feels like it adds the bounce later than I'd expect, and some of the pathing got confusing, but I love all the small touches you added like the little sword face and the collectible coins!!
This game is super cute! I like the music and the art alot. I like the tail attack mechanic a lot and the monster's chasing add an interesting external stressor to playing. I'd say that its hard to visually tell if I have tail ammo left, there is a distinction of ammo tail and body pieces, but its still kinda hard. I'd also say adding a quick reset instead of waiting for my doom would be good, so if I bork a jump and lose all momentum, I can just go again. Fun game though! Really like it.