I really loved the atmosphere, the 3D also ran really smooth, though I would have loved if there was a settings menu for the mouse sensitivity.
Some issues I had was the task pad going through objects when I was walking too close to stuff. And also my tiny brain being unable to remember the password since I can’t press Tab to see it when in the terminal.
To whoever made the “It’s Spreading!” disc. Thank you. I was basically listening to that the whole time hopping around the ship while trying to find where I was supposed to go. I would constantly restart it, so a looping option would be great.
To be honest, when I was playing around with the game, it seemed to really fit a horror theme, I wonder if your team has considered making a game (be it this, or another) with a similar atmosphere but horror based?
I’m also not sure why, but performance was a little laggy in Google Chrome, especially with the opening sequence being unskippable making it painfully long. But testing the game in Firefox made the performance way smoother with 0 lag.