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A member registered Aug 14, 2022 · View creator page →

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This game is absolutely oozing personality. I got 5/8 endings before finally nailing it, and really enjoyed each run! I love the sound design and how creative the different distractions were, you really nailed the stresses of video call interviews. That dang cat's lucky they're so cute...

Minor note, I kept missing the power warning screen as it was almost immediately replaced by the next interview question, so it took me a few goes to notice why I was gettin' the boot there. Other than that, I didn't really run into any issues, it's a tightly-made game.

Overall super fun and intuitive, well done everyone on the team!

Absolutely seconding the comment above - thank you so so much for the incredibly warm support, it means the world to us! It was especially wonderful to read about the route you took through and how it made you feel, honestly we couldn't have asked for more. The vibe was one of the first things we settled on, and it's truly so rewarding to hear how strongly it came together.

We're extremely excited to keep working on this game (hopefully with a Steam release in our future!), we've been collating all the feedback everyone has kindly shared and adding it to our own thoughts from playing it through.

I have to take credit for suggesting hiding (moving) those keycards, I'm so sorry ahaha! They were originally just on the desks, but I felt they deserved lil' in case of emergency homes but I can absolutely see how that made them a bit easy to miss. I've added a note to the feedback sheet, under the shelves totally makes sense, much more intuitive!

Menus and replayability smoothing/skips are definitely a high priority, they narrowly fell out of scope for the jam but are a must for sure.

Once again, thank you from us all for playing, and for leaving us such emphatic encouragement and support; comments like these are responsible for keeping our creative fires lit!

This game is aesthetically excellent. The art is phenomenal, the animations are really fluid, the music slaps, and the UI is extremely clean.

The gameloop is short and sweet, I enjoyed the variety of characters you introduced and working out how to adapt to them. I really liked the way time slowed while launching, but I did then spend most of my time in 'launch' mode to make lining shots up easier, which I assume wasn't the intended approach.

The controls did take some time to get used to, but I think if they were rebound/I played on controller the gameplay would be a lot more intuitive.

The foundation is really solid, I could see how you could build off it to add more complexity and depth. Great work, this is a good, unique entry!

This was really fun! The art is excellent, felt very polished. The sound effects were also amazing, added a lot of immersion to the gameplay, and the music really built the atmosphere. It was well-lit, not hard to see what was going on but the moodiness of the slight shadows was nice. The animations were ace, really gave the attacks a feeling of oomph.

The balancing felt good for the length of the game, I enjoyed getting to see how all the upgrades felt. I also felt like it was a good length, as I got to explore the gameplay loop a couple times without feeling like there were too many waves of enemies, definitely left me wanting more, which is great!

The theme was really present and well-explored, being able to slay your last host after leaving them made it clear how inconsequential they were to you in the quest for freedom! At the same time, keeping the skills you learned from the previous hosts was cool, it made me excited to find a new host as I was gaining new things without losing anything.

I agree with the other comments saying that the directionality of where your character was facing/would swing was a lil' hard to intuit, although it didn't really affect my enjoyment in the short run. Other than that, everything else felt super clean, and easy to pick up.

Felt like a really solid foundation, that could definitely be expanded to include new hosts or enemies! What will the Blight Blade do upon escaping the tomb, I wonder?? Great entry, awesome work by the whole team!

Playing around with some chunky shaders would be good fun, there's relatively limited places that need high-details; a perfect idea for the post-jam season!

Yeah, completely agree, the controls were definitely something that took a hit with the web-build. We didn't want the tasks to be too distracting from some of the thinkin' that might be going on in the later moments, but I do agree that they could be slightly tuned up, will mull it over.

Ah, that's pretty lame, don't blame you at all - thanks for giving it a few chances to behave itself. Thankfully this is the first time I'm hearing about full-on crashes, so hopefully a rarity, but sorry to hear that happened! Again, web-build was a lil' lousy in places, and something we'd hopefully leave behind if we did develop it further as a PC version.

Thanks for the kind words and useful feedback, it means a lot to us. Have yourself a wonderful jam!

This is such a slick entry. The movement felt great when I managed to nail some timings, and the graphics are so crunchy it feels incredibly nostalgic. The music and sfx are awesome and match the aesthetic perfectly!

My favourite thing to do was combine the ground pound with a rocket jump, I don't know if this was an intentional tech but the rocket jump seems to get the jump height boost (multiplier?) from the ground pound and sends you to the stratosphere.

Finding the secrets was a really fun bonus, and the placement of the first one was really smart, as I suspect it would be hard to find on the first run, then you see from the end screen that there's a secret, so you go back and find it, by which time you know the controls well enough to do so. Clever!

I did struggle to build and preserve momentum, but I think that's because the movement system does take some time to learn, so I'm not sure whether that suggests tweaks are needed or not.

I found a few times I ran out of blood while not being near a refresh point, which really slowed the pacing as I clambered back to one - perhaps a button to teleport back to the most recent one you touched would help with that?

Unfortunately the web-build version froze each time I reached level 3 (taking my browser with it a couple times), and as restarting the window meant re-completing the first 2 levels each time I sadly called it quits. I was playing of Chrome.

The trailer you made is so cool! It really shows off the potential for the movement in the hands of a more experienced player, a great addition! Especially given the issues of the web-build, it was great to see what else you managed to build.

Such an impressive game already, and one I can see being expanded with ease, the foundations are super solid. Great job to you all!

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True, an important lesson is using 'temporary' text during a jam, hard to know if you'll have the time to come back to it.

The atmosphere was a big focus during the design and dev discussions, glad it paid off!

We'll definitely be looking to sand off some of the rougher edges in the flow of the game, thank you for the bonus thoughts. I'm quite excited to play around with some bits and bobs outside of the jam crunch, who knows where the bridge console might end up!

Edited 'cause the formatting from posting via the mobile site was bugging me.

It's wonderful hearing how much you enjoyed the vibe we've cultivated, we really appreciate it.

We'll most likely be reviewing the ship layout/taskpad instructions to see if there's a way to make some of the navigation a lil' easier without impacting the atmosphere; nothing kills suspense like getting stuck.

We had a couple different ideas for that encoded message planned, but I think we ultimately ended up with essentially lorem ipsum in the final draft as it isn't directly involved in the solution and we were stretching ourselves thin as it was, so you get full points for recognising the encoding format whilst avoiding a rather underwhelming reward for the effort it would have taken to decode!

Thank you for playing and for sharing your feedback, it'll be useful for some fun upcoming dev conversations!

I've seen a lot of different entries have various web-built issues, so definitely not a unique problem!

Gosh, yeah, I totally see the scale of the challenge - it sounds like you have a really clear vision of what you want it to look like, and hopefully outside of jam-crunch that'll be fun and easier to implement. A kitchen level as a starting point sounds ace, and there's so many ambient kitchen noises to play around with to pair with that.

Yeah, that sounds helpful, there were times where I wanted to bait a slime slightly towards/away from an edge to make getting past it easier, and an indicator would have made that clearer.

Not specifically, I think the camera positioning was good - I think I was wondering if having fewer overall platforms would make it easier to navigate, and maybe also make the enemy/obstacle density feel higher. However, I think having heard that you're considering making the platforms more unique, that would probably help with the navigation too, so making the level smaller might not be a necessary suggestion, on reflection! It's much easier to remember that you took the drop at the rolling pin than it is the 'slightly wider platform'.

Ooh nice, I've never been very musically-capable, so I was still very impressed by it regardless.

A change in the enemies' animations sounds like a great idea, that would communicate that they've been affected very clearly and also hint at how they might behave as a result, very effective design!

Glad to hear they might have been helpful - I've only played a few platformers, generally more 'casual' ones, and never designed one, so please do take my feedback with a grain of salt. That sounds great, I look forward to it!

Oooh, we reached our target audience! It's great to hear that you explored the ship so thoroughly, sounds like there was scarcely a server on RAPIER 06 unturned. Ahh, the disc is sneaky, if you were able to spot it you were probably just a crouch and a wiggle away, without wanting to say too much!

I (slightly extremely biasedly) agree that everyone on the team did an amazing job, and it's really nice to see all the different bits and pieces being noticed and appreciated. Thank you for embracing our lil' game so fully, and for leaving such wonderfully glowing feedback; it truly means the world to us!

That's a good suggestion for the note, a happy middle-ground for sure. A lot of the non-narrative text will likely have a bit of a review so plenty of room for some wigglin'!

Yeah, that's a pretty compelling series of points, I think I'm just being unnecessarily picky about the definition of a horror game, as I initially imagined it as more of a psychological thriller, but you're totally right that we dipped into the horror toolkit pretty heavily to build the suspense, and ultimately the difference between the two is quite slim - it will be interesting to have a think about future changes with that perspective in mind.

I don't think I've played a Chilla's Art game before, but some of the titles feel familiar - will check them out for some inspiration!

Weirdly enough, I love watching video essays discussing the themes in horror games and movies, but rarely play/watch them myself. So, I could see myself making one (or can understand where those influences came from for this one), even if I would be too much of a coward to play it myself ahaha. We'll see where we end up!

You've given us a lot to think about, thank you!

No problemo! Yeah, always hard to tell with platformers where the more-tuning-pls situation ends and where the skill-issue begins aha, but hopefully some post-jam-stress time helps get it to a place you're happy with.

I did still have fun for sure, and I did get better the more time I spent with it, landing the movement combos was really satisfying when I got on a roll, I still just found it hard to land consistently.

Thanks for reading and responding, hope some of the feedback was helpful, and enjoy the rest of ya jammin'!

Good job on submitting to your first jam, that's a great achievement!

The game ran buttery smooth for me, no framerate issues here!

The characters and animations are lovely, the bread looks so bouncy! By comparison, the environment felt a bit bland; the background/platforms were functional but adding some colour or texture to them would go a long way - if you wanted to go big you could think about where this game is set and theme the environment to that - are you in kitchen, a restaurant, a military complex? There was also a minor black line that appeared when the bread jumped, not very noticeable but did catch my eye!

The basic enemy behaviour was solid, the little pause before leaping was nice to communicate to the player that an attack was coming. It would be fun to see more enemy types with unique threats, or level structure designed to highlight different ways in which the slimes can be dangerous (narrow hallway that requires baiting, slime pit that you don't want to fall in or you get swarmed).

The levels could have been shorter and more populated, when a level is so large/has multiple routes that diverge, but no map or way to visualise the different routes, it can be quite hard to navigate, and often doesn't really feel cohesive unless the smaller parts of it are tied together by a local theme (ie. a cupboard in the kitchen)

The music was really good, I wish it was a lil' longer! There was a small stutter when it looped, which was quite noticeable the longer I played.

The menu and UIs were good, easy to navigate and understand.

I really liked the interpretation of the theme with the power-ups, turning your body into a weapon and discarding it for the enemies to get lured by was a great way for bread to become the weapon. Exploring more uses for the ones you introduced/larger differences in how they felt to use (ie. poison kills slimes, whereas honey only slows them, but slowed slimes will leave a trail when they move that applied the same slowing effect to any other slimes that walk onto it, etc.) could be a good way to expand on that, ideally making them feel unique and creating more opportunities to use your power-ups would be fun. Additionally, visual changes on power-ups would be nice, seeing a nice shiny honey coating or an oozy poison.

Good job building a great foundation, I imagine it'll be really useful to build even more on it, it sounds like you have lots of ideas and are excited to try them out, which is super cool! You got this, have fun, and well done again!

Thank you bread, that's super helpful! The menu is a good reminder, there's always something that just slips through the cracks in a jam - brightness, sensitivity and volume sliders would be great additions.

The taskpad disobeying the laws of physics has been so close to the top of our bug fix pile all jam, it was just unfortunately beaten out by a few slightly more game-breaking ones, and expanding the story. We'll def look to get it quantumly untangled in the future! The password is a good reminder too, we'll consider picking an appropriate, memorable word instead (although our lead dev did manage to memorise it during the course of his playtesting, insanely).

Ahaha, we're very pleased with the "It's Spreading!" references, we're glad you enjoyed them too. Lead dev/soundster PiersSK smashed it, as always! I'll add looping music discs to the "ideas to consider" pile.

There's definitely an adjacency to horror that we were very aware of and deliberately tried to avoid stepping too far into, but definitely something we'll revisit when discussing the tone, or keep in mind for future projects! We tend to make more light-hearted games, this one may end up being a bit of a one-off, but I always remember the Jordan Peele quote - ""The difference between comedy and horror is the music."

Yeah, totally agree, web-build has had so many weird quirks to it that we can't wait to leave behind - framerate issues, not being able to bind 'esc' without it also popping you out of fullscreen and unlocking your cursor... not the mood.

Thanks again for playing, and taking the time to leave such thorough feedback, it's really useful! May your jam be ever delicious.

No problemo, it was my pleasure! Absolutely get that, there isn't really time for polish in a jam without sacrificing stuff, so I think it's to be expected with jam games. It didn't affect my enjoyment 'cause I was anticipating some roughness, so the feedback is just in the hope that some of it may be useful for future discussions within the team, even if at the end of it all ya decide to flex ya right as the devs to just say "this guy has no idea what he's talking about" ahaha!

It's nice to hear the plans for expanding on what you've all already built, thank you for sharing; I love hearing about other people's thoughts on designing game mechanics so it was a really interesting read ahaha. It's clear you've got a great vision for what this game would look like without a time limit imposed on dev, that's really cool!

Ah thank you, it was quite ambitious, some ideas had to be left behind but glad to hear we didn't lose anything too dear!

Technically 3 different members of the team did voice acting for the game, quite impressively! I shall ensure they all feel equally complimented for their performances (please do not say which your favourite line delivery was or there will be a fight).

Thanks you for playing and for your lovely feedback, we shall cherish it. Have a blessed jam!

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Mouthwashing was definitely rattling around in the aesthetic inspiration box, space horror is so existentially raw.

Thank you for playing and sharing, that was all really nice to read!

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Such a fantastic entry! The music and art are amazing, they really build the atmosphere and I loved how epic the boss fight music was, and the way it all faded to black at the end was suitably dramatic. It really reminded me of Titan Souls, the expectation of the player to work out what they needed to do without being told, the deaths coming quickly and easily, and the fast-paced resets.

The puzzle designs were cool, I got a bit tangled up in the layout of the main level - I went to the right room first but didn't think to check if I could go any further in, as it seemed to all be walls (oops). I then struggled on the left side 'cause it didn't occur to me to use the shadow to phase through and activate the altar after flipping the levers, so I spent quite a few deaths meticulously clearing out the room (which I can only assume in hindsight is not how you expected players to deal with it, because that was hard). Then I went to the final door, got a bit confused it was still shut, and thought I messed something up so went back to the left side and recleared it (mercy on my poor, dumb soul), before twigging that I must have missed something on the right side.

Eventually made it to the boss, which had a super cool sprite and awesome animations. I do agree with the other comments that it felt really challenging, and I quickly came to the conclusion that it was just about waiting them out. With the comparison to Titan Souls in mind, I honestly think the difficult might be fine, as it isn't a long fight, but having something more proactive to do as the player might help with the slight feeling of aimlessness? I'm really excited to see how some tweaks might affect that part in particular, as being able to use your other abilities offensively would have been fun options to have. 

Slightly controversially perhaps, based on other comments, but I really liked not having super explicit instructions on how to do things? A lot of the mechanics were tutorialised well through the level design, just sanding off some of the rough edges of the mechanics themselves/including more of the simple parts to give the player the chance to work out what they could do would be great!

Small, miscellaneous thoughts:
I also found that naturally I would hold the directional input after dashing, which would stop the dash after a short distance (just shorter than the first pit aha) which was a bit tricky to coordinate.

I found running out of abilities a bit limiting, unless I missed a way to refresh them in combat (like a certain, late-game someone)? Maybe I was just approaching the game with the wrong mindset, though!

I enjoyed triggering the turrets to fire for both affecting the environment and attacking, although I found the laser hard to hit moving targets with, which led to an awkward stutter-step as I tried to keep enemies nearby to line the shot up again. Also, the enemy lasers being able to hit you through walls felt mean, makes sense for the turrets but the lil' guys.

I'm glad I persevered through the walls I hit, though, it was really fun to explore and all of the central mechanics you laid down were really well thought-out and I can really see how you'd build upon them.

This turned into a really long comment! This is a really good entry, I enjoyed getting to the end of it, and considering it was your team's first entry it is absolutely mind-blowing. Well done to you all!

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This is such a fun entry! I've never seen this kind of* take on 'steer the bullet'-type mechanics before, it felt really fresh and it was clear how much love had gone into designing it.

The gameplay felt really natural to pick-up, the tutorialisation of each new mechanic was clean and intuitive, and the mechanics were really fun to play around with. The controls could possibly do with reviewing, by the end of all the swooping and swishing I was doing I did sometimes struggle to tell if the bullet was going to find its mark, but to be honest it almost always did, so I don't think a big overhaul is needed by any means.

The levels being short and easy to restart really helped, I didn't feel stuck at any point, I could experiment with different paths or hunt around for the more elusive bandits without worrying about wasting time. 

I adored the staging of each level, the precarious piano and church bell that just begged for a bullet were absolute highlights, you can really see the influences of the spaghetti westerns. Each stage opening with a film reel was a super stylish choice, I loved it!

The music was great, sound effects were superb (especially the deflection ping) and the voice lines were perfectly cheese-y with a good layer of grizzle from our rough and ready lead's performance.

You've laid some really solid foundations with this, I could totally see how it could be expanded even more if that was where you wanted to take it. Really great work, good job everyone on the team!

Oooh that's encouraging to hear, I was a lil' worried that ending had ended up being a bit too hidden! It's always real nice to hear when people hop back in for a second run, too.

Ah, yeah, it's a known, web-build-exclusive issue that only seems to kick in on some machines, so despite periodic playtesting by the lead dev we didn't catch it until super late in the process. Regardless, glad it didn't spoil it for you!

Thanks you for playing and for leaving such lovely, warm feedback; we appreciate you. Have a wonderful jam!

Thank you for playing, we're so glad you enjoyed it!

The characters and writing of this game were really well done, and the meta 'tutorial' conversation with the player was worked well. I also liked that you made it possible to skip the loading of the dialogue for faster readers (/people that want to skip it too, I suppose). The music was great for building the atmosphere, and the aesthetic felt really cohesive.

I got up to a combo of 25 while being bouncing into the white blood cell roof in the section where you need to avoid the bouncy enemies, so that was neat. Think that was the highest I got it!

I'm not really a platformer, so I don't know that it says too much, but I wasn't able to get to the end. I really want to see how the story ended, but I found it really hard to time my swings with the fast-paced movement, camera flipping when turning, and the brief freeze that happened when swingin' the bat. I wasn't very good at preserving my momentum, which I think made a lot of the movement puzzle sections quite hard, I often resorted to trying to 'ladder' my way up, rather than getting the timing right on the jumps.

This is a really slick entry, full of personality, and I can see so much potential in it! Great job to everyone on the team!

I only just realised that you made this entirely solo?? And my mind is blown??

We love to see a last-minute "hey, I have some time" decision pay off!

Ah, you get so used to things like that when you're playtesting, totally get the feeling - did get to experience that sweet roomba POV while also being one of the greatest military advancements of the xxst century, so that was a pretty neat combo!

Anyway, just popped back to say "wow wow wow" one last time ahaha, so yes, think I've covered that. GJ GGs WP again!!

This was such a slick game, I loved it!

The guns looked weighty and I enjoyed how slightly muffled the gunfire was, felt at home with the chunky graphics. The aesthetic in general was spot on, felt super immersive instantly, and really supported the gameplay. Music was nice and retro, some good bleeps and bloops in there (can you tell I'm not the sound guy on my team..?). The UI is so simple and clean but communicates all the information the player needs and supports the vibe, talk about effective design!

The melee attack was my favourite animation, that funny lil' drill felt so personal to deploy.

Minor skill issue on my part, same as some other comments, I also just wandered around the Hab at first after getting up close to the tutorial section (for no reason, really, it was perfectly visible from the start point), and then not noticing the deploy button when looking back. Oops.

Totally see the influences shining through, not played AC/CH so for me I was really getting Helldivers x Deep Rock Galactic. Great sources of inspiration!

Launched my orbital strike into the last wave of enemies before hopping on the ship and not disappointed. The particle effects all round were ace, too.

Literally my only thought of constructive feedback is that I felt the camera was slightly low to the ground, but that may just be personal preference.

Superb game, well done to everyone on the team!

Ah, such nice feedback, you've made us feel extremely seen with all the attention you paid to the decisions we made! 

We're definitely getting more keen to expand it with each kind comment that comes in ehehe - we love where it starts and ends, so we might expand it to include some story beats and rooms we had to cut for time during dev, but who knows where it'll go once we start tinkering. Exciting things to think about!

Thanks again for playing and sharing all the bits you liked, it really means a lot. Have a lovely jam!

This was a lovely lil' game!

The variety in the enemy movement and attack patterns was really fun to study and work out (yes, I died once on level 3, I was a bit bold), having to dodge some after they start to self-detonate, and close in and get aggressive with others before they completely overwhelmed you with fire. The movement was fluid, and the mobility options of the dash and shotgun being so dramatic in how far they moved you made it feel really unique.

It was cool to see you'd set it up for controller use, although I did stick to ol' trust keyboard and mouse. I didn't encounter any bugs while playing, it was nicely built!

You used the assets well to make the levels interesting to explore, the variety in height needing the player to hunt down the stairs while getting pelted was challenging.

The menus were functional and easy to navigate, I liked the font you chose and I didn't feel lost or confused by the game, which is easy to overlook when laying it out end-to-end.

Definitely agree that some music and sfx would go a long way, but totally appreciate that if you add one sound effect you need to do aaall of them, so I understand why it wasn't prioritised during the short jam time.

Great work, I had fun, and I hope you had fun making it!

"You always have a choice" is so poignant, sums up the whole experience we wanted to give players in a nice neat bow; it's really validating to hear that was how you felt afterwards! 

Thank you for playing, sharing your thoughts, and for your super encouraging words - they mean so much to us all.

The pleasure was all mine!

Omg, King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard! I've only listened to Fishing for Fishies before, but the band absolutely has an amazing vibe, thanks for reminding me of them! I'm going to go listen to 'em properly now ehehe

Thank youuu, that's all such wonderful positive feedback to hear! Bad bad boom boom do sometimes be the state of the situation, sad to say. We hope you felt a glimmer of choice in the matter, but the angry man yelling at you is hard to ignore.

Yeah, that's really valid feedback, sadly we just couldn't get the VAs to stop talking over one another in the booth (there's some clean-up to be done in the triggering conditions/priorities, to be sure ahaha).

Thanks for checking it out and for your lovely lovely words, we shall cherish them!

This was a really fun entry! I love solving puzzles, working out how to decode each of the panels on the bomb was really fun and unique, and each one was clearly well thought-out! The clues were clear enough to point me in the right direction, but rarely outright gave away the solution, so they felt satisfying to solve - a tricky balance, but you nailed it!

The art is so cute, I love the floating animation of the vampire-bomb, and the reflection of the bloodmoon under the withered tree is such a vibe. Some backing music would have been nice, but it wasn't a deal breaker.

I failed the blitz mission with only 1 wire remaining to be placed, but I went back and was able to do it on the second pass.

Great work to you both!

This was great, such a surprising setting but so well delivered! I adore the art style, it feels so aesthetically coherent and raw. Audio was so satisfying, whole thing was just really immersive, and I was impressed by how the movement and physics felt consistent and responsive. You really tapped into the joy of playing with the digger toy in a sandpit from my youth, which I assume is a pretty universal experience (?) and was very fun.

I love games with an environmental message, even if its just incorporated into the setting, it was cathartic to peel the car apart and tuck the bits into the neat lil' recycling dumpsters. The visual designs made it quite clear which was which, great job on that!

The claw-cam is suuuch a good decision, it was really helpful for lining up the dumpster drops. Great entry, really well done (and did you do this solo?? )!

This game is absolutely dripping with style, quite literally in a lot of places.

The UI is great, displays information clearly once you get used to reading it, and feels crazy immersive. All of the art is fantastic, clean and grungy all at once. I love the accessibility touches for toggling the background's aesthetic and soupiness, really nice. Once I picked up the whirlwind primary-fire I realised how much of the environment could be damaged, including the wall textures?? Felt great to be able to rip and tear to my hearts' desire.

The gameplay loop was fast and fun, having a super mobile floor paired with the ability to slow yourself quickly was fun to grapple with! I was not great at it, admittedly, but I could see how players could get a lot better at using it over time.

I had no idea what the effect of the soup I was downing at the end of every level was, but honestly, I didn't feel like I needed to? I made my choices off vibes alone and was perfectly happy with that. Being dragged down through the maggot-y floor was horrifying to behold, 10/10.

The attention-to-detail and overall quality is staggering for a solo project, amazing work on all fronts!

This was such a lovely comment to read, thank you!

Just between you and me, you might be on to something with those dangerously disruptive ideas; reviewing and balancing the different paths is definitely high on the list of post-jam priorities, one might be a bit too hard to find at the moment.

I can't blame you, curiosity is hard to resist, especially when it's so red, round, and pressable! Really nice to hear that you went back in to check out another path, hopefully you had a very zen, mindful wait ahaha.

Appreciate you playing it through and giving such warm feedback, have a lovely jam!

This was really satisfying to play once I got the hang of it! Initially I found the animation-lock of summoning my ghosty forme quite difficult to manage, but it definitely got easier with some kiting practice.

I also got a bit stumped on firing the gun, I got confused when I tapped the LMB and it didn't fire immediately, so I figured it had to be fully charged and collected my heart out, before finally having to scroll down to the controls section while frantically kiting around to realise what I was missing. Super simple fix with a tutorial/an animation/sound while the gun is revving up, and I only really bring it up 'cause it was funny! I only ended up needing about half my reserve in the end, but it never hurts to be prepared.

The art and animations are soo good, they really sold the aesthetic and made it fun to look around while exploring the level. The UI was super clean, and the menus were a nice touch.

It was really cool working out how to manage my time while beating back the horde, when to switch to my offensive but vulnerable state, how to create enough space to charge up the machines, even with just the two enemy types there was a good amount of variety, got me excited about future levels!

I can see you had a conversation on another comment about the ghost attack mechanics, definitely agree with your thoughts about considering opening it up to a 'combo' system of movement, although I do see why you didn't go with that initially as the power balance would be hard. It added a lot to feel like my back was constantly against the wall!

I really appreciated how simple you kept the controls, it's tempting to add too many hotkeys and leave the player a bit tangled, but having such a streamlined, contextual system worked really well once I was used to it.

Overall, really fun and brimming with potential; great work to everyone on the team!

The gun tricks were really funny, gotta style on those zombies! I wasn't sure what I was getting myself into when I saw the thumbnail, but I was pleasantly surprised.
I also got jump-scared by zombies appearing behind me a lot, I needed to be more mobile! Good use of assets and animations, well done on your submission!

Being a mobile tower from a tower defence game was a fun twist. The art is really charming and nostalgic, the writing between levels is great, and the UI is super easy to navigate. Scaling the size of your AoE at the slight cost to damage is a really fun decision to manage in real-time, added a lot to the gameplay!
I like to think our entries are set in the same universe, S.O.B.B. and RAPIER 06 could be good friends imo. Sure, RAPIER 06 doesn't seem very talkative, or smart, but it's a good listener. At least, it might be listening.
Great work, that was fun!

Very reassuring to hear that the game's flow felt good, it does get a lil' hard to tell how navigable it all is to a fresh pair of eyes when you've talking about where everything is as a team nonstop for 2 weeks!

Does sound like a browser-build issue, but I'll add a sticky note somewhere to review it. It's nice to hear you went in again, though, we snuck a lot of lil' bits in that we hoped would be enticing enough for a quick "hmm, I wonder if..."-type second run.

Thanks for checking our entry out, we really appreciate hearing how folks have gotten on with it!

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Ah, the different sections of the ship are marked on wall panels in/near each respective section, but it's helpful to hear that it was possible to miss those, definitely don't want people feeling lost.

It's really nice to hear that you were actively exploring the ship and the story, we wanted players to feel that way, and it's always tricky to know how much to show versus tell.

We totally agree on some of the controls needing tweaking, to be honest, we went back-and-forth on some of the bindings during development, not being able to overwrite 'esc' unbinding the cursor/exiting fullscreen gave us a fair bit of hassle in particular.

Thank you so much for checking it out, and for the kind words and thorough feedback!

Glad we gotcha ponderin' ehe, thank you very much for playing and letting us know what you thought, it's lovely to hear that you enjoyed it!

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The animated cutscenes had so much character, the first stage transition was honestly quite shocking! They must have taken ages?? The intro in particular set the stage for the rest of the story super well.
I started off by trying to fight everyone in hand-to-hand combat, then realised that maybe wasn't the move, and had a great time bouncing around from then on - the wall climbing was really fun to explore with! I managed to find my way to the end, but would agree with the other comments that a map would be super helpful.
The verticality of the levels made exploring fun, but the length probably could be a bit more concise without losing that!
All in all, a lovely lil' entry, well done to the whole team!