Best action game in the jam, easily. 2D Bloodborne even, it's finally on PC bros come play
The main combo feels so good to use, the movement is so fluid and wide and strong that you actually feel something using it, rather than just register as "im attacking in the game I'm playing." Parrying however is a bit iffy, in that the VFX are great, but in-game you don't feel that impact. When the hag flying slash is parried, the effect would sell you as she's stunned now, but she continues into her normal attack combo like it was nothing. If not a bit of a stagger or opening on the boss when parried, at least a stagger bar so eventually they are when you parry enough would be welcome to really sell the WHOOM KACHIN KACHIN you see on screen when you do it. I love the parry being a heal though, really makes you focus on the battle and nothing else, unlike potions or a healing input would. When you're dying, you can just choose to attack less and parry more to get back in, so the gameplay experience can change as your situation changes. If the parry could cancel the attack animation in a more snappy way, you really would have a perfect combat here, as it is really fast and fun, but seeing the attack be telegraphed and smashing the parry button, but the input never registering as your attack is still on-going kills that good pacing, as you end up stopping your attacking to make sure your parry will register. If it was your intention to make the player stop attacking, I think it isn't in service of the game you've created to do that.
Had it had another boss, would it be between golem and the hag, or would it be after the hag? What kind of dubious little creature demonic in nature would it be?
The art was great too, simple cool designs on a more elaborate background sell the mood of the world without needing to add much words to it. The track change when the hag enters her 2nd phase is really great, that use of the music was fantastic, and in my first play the beat synced up perfectly with her first flying attack, so it sent me shivers.