Feedback on actions really elevates the experience right!?
When developing the game the lack of feedback was certainly noticed, sadly we got a bit messed up with the implementation of things and to add sounds and other actions we had to backtrack.
Aside from the obvious hit sounds, I had some plans for feedback:
For player->boss
Melee attack having a small hit-stop on melee hit,
I was also thinking of having the boss receive a small amount of iframes on melee hits (like charged buster shots on a Megaman boss) but since we didn't have time to implement and test it I dunno if it would fit in this game.
when it comes to ranged hits not much came to mind, but I guess something like making the boss lightly flash would be good enough
For boss -> player
what is missing most aside the cues is an animation for the player getting hurt
In this version the player receives knockback and flashes during iframes, in your opinion having sound cues and the animation added is enough, or something like a red tint on the screen or an effect on the player needs to be added?
thanks for your attention!