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A member registered 33 days ago

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i see, thanks! i will put in the list create a shortcut for it in the next update, or a keybind menu to reduce such cases.
btw just want to compliment your art again, i really like your style!

Hey thanks for trying our game, we will keep it in mind for the final release/next jam, 
if you don't mind I would like to ask some questions so we can understand the problem and plan for it next time
regarding the mouse, the only problem would be clicking or all mouse functions?
the weapons can be used 360° so a way to aim them is needed,
using a notebook touch pad or something else to navigate?

are you playing in a computer or in another device?

I aways recommend sakurai's channel to those who are starting it's a treasure trove of information

concept is very fun, the game needs polish but overall its a good experience!

loved the art and style!

wasnt able to play it, crashed on start ;-;
loved the announcer do.

cool game, the battle system is interesting 

the art style is cool and great efx all around, personally i had some difficulty getting used to the movement

love the models, they are super cute!

the heck i got robbed by a hobo wizard at the end.
cool and funny game, but since the edges were lifting the player I was losing the ability to jump constantly, implementing a jump buffer would help maintain more control over the character

another game that oozes charm, the gameplay reminds a bit of ikaruga with the dive mechanic.
i wonder if the dad got catfished the first time he met his wife.

game oozes style but some bugs took away from the experience such as teleporting to spawn everytime i touched a wall or object for some reason

plays nice, the premise of stealing the lunch money from a old man to gamble faster ways to kill him is funny.
i enjoyed the game very much!

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damn, i thought at first the game was a bit ordinary, but it's much more than meets the eyes, the lights on the wheel as the hands health, the way the camera moved when the phase changed, there are a lot of small things that add up!
while having different weapons is nice and makes the fight more fresh, I didn't feel anything special while using them, combat could use a bit more of love.
great entry overall, works well with what it has!

Game is good and stylish albeit a bit too easy, bosses can be ignored and die to melee spam with no punishment
also some boss attacks lack weight to them, such as the first boss dig attack.
it gets a lot of things right, just lacks a bit of refinement

simple game with good ideas, execution might need a bit of polish but good nonetheless

Controls very well, and the art has a great aesthetic to it, bosses are also well-designed
the gam has a lot of polish, great stuff!

we kinda messed up the last commit at the last second and some sfx and music ended up being lost,  our first time working as a team, such mistakes are bound to happen, but we are prepared for next time ᕙ( •̀ ᗜ •́ )ᕗ

interesting premise, liked the art and graphics, it has a lot of potential!

i enjoyed the game, its a good ride
from efx to art the effort is noticeable!

Great simple game, bosses are well telegraphed
my only problem is that movement felt too limited in 4 directions, as the player cannot jump and dash at the same time, sometimes it felt clunky due to that

the game has interesting mechanics that i quite enjoyed, but the player kept getting stuck in the geometry and was quite stubborn when interacting with pickups.
the mirror didnt reflect the lazer :(
the game is a great idea but it needs to be refined still.

so i dont think i have encountered any, if i did i skipped them as i was beelining to the end to encounter them, if they where in the middle of the mobs it was hard to notice them, if that was the case, locking the portal until the player kills the bosses will make them look around for the problem. i gave up a bit after the long walk i had to do without the car and went thru the warzone and when i went to the place with a hundred portals i had to change games as i wanted to rate more entries.

the models are good and the bosses interesting, but some of the telegraphing as a bit of, such as the log throw and the circle fireball, while the fist voley is reactable the following ones have no indication.
also the LORE is not picked up in the end!
very fun and a great game!

Another game that deserves to win, the spinning around the arena mechanic was a thing I wanted to put in one of the bosses. we had to cut it out due to not knowing how to implement it in time, we wanted to do something like the first Klonoa boss for that one.
I love that the first boss has a touch hitbox because it's the way he attacks being melee and stuff, but the penguin doesn't have one, its a small thing but shows the thought that went into the game design, there are tons of things that I can describe that makes this game very good but if I listed I would stay here for a while.
a problem I found was when you are going in a direction and just tap the other direction the player will continue facing that way, making running then attacking a bit awkward at times, and the penguin fire seems to have a bigger hitbox than one would think.
great art, music and sounds!
rooting for you guys! good luck!

the idea is cool, i took a bit to notice that Q & R spins the elemental wheel bellow the mages as i thought the command was to change mages lol, the idea is  cool, but the bosses, appearance aside didn't leave a strong impression. the character are funny and the models well made.

boss`s health is overtuned and the shotgun(at least in the first phase) is a better pick in most aspects
its a well made game, and has good art!

love this kind of game, although it didnt seem to be much of a boss rush,
 the wind mechanic is cool, but a wind indicator like in worms would be welcom,
models are great as well!

i liked the game, but controls felt unresponsive(shooting and moving seem to not work together),
personally i don't like much when i have to fingerblast my mouse in order to do more damage,
boss could use a bit more of telegraphing when he charges,
game`s simple, but it works with what it has.

Man, such a good game, can't sing enough praises
the theme was so well implemented, and the ending was such a welcome surprise
I am glad I played to the end, your art style is full of charm and the gameplay is smooth af.
i hope you guys win, you deserve it!

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really unique idea! loved it!
just think the movement needs a bit of refinement, it feels hard to dodge stuff, at least with little experience.
i also apreciate the coconut spider, clever!

so long gay penguin!
funny game, great art!

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i found the battle to be a bit rough, the throwing animation takes a bit to finish and the boss chooses his moves randomly it seems (once he did +- 10 times the fast one), and throwing the brick at the big opening aside, to catch him on small openings you need to predict him.

The idea of the game captivates me so much,i love the jokes and the mood of the game, but the combat can use a bit of polish.
also always nice to find a fellow grand magus player in the wild.

simple and fun game! 

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Thanks for the compliment, i made the game design and etc, but our programmer went further and beyond with the original plan, its thanks to him that movement and combat came out as smooth as it is.

sorry about that, we implemented the weapon system with the dash attack first, and since everyone was having fun with that we kinda forgot to put the double jump in time, we actually had in mind that both forms were going to have different kinds of mobility, like the gunner having wall jumps and the melee having double jump. but currently the only way to get out of harms way is meleeing upwards, jumping with it makes you go father, in the future we will be implementing the normal movement system.
thanks for playing our game!

It's cool, everyone has to start somewhere 

Since you are starting I aways recommend sakurai's channel it's a treasure trove of information

Ohh, the upwards dash part would've been nice

loved the game, cute character!
sometimes i would get stuck on the lamia stage and by the description, i thought that by walking around her would be enought to stun her, but it seems she is only stunned by the spin attack, the throwing mechanic in the first boss is fun but it is not explained anywhere, the fully charged spin seems to be worse then spamming uncharged ones and when you retry the game you dont  get any extra one ups.
but overall i had fun, its a good game!