Thank you kindly! I may have even surprised myself with my second game's graphics.
I absolutely adore small details when I play others' games, so I hope to be able to add more un-expected titbits like the stump falling into Winter Breaker.
There is a plan for the no-physics of the house, as the "rock" block on the edges at the start, will be invisible barriers and borders to items and different areas (as well as other blocks.) This is an idea that will need some testing, so we shall see with this one...
My idea for this game was, through Freezing (due to the Freeze Meter running out and not being able to return to the start in time), you learn to dig in such a way that you are always able to return to the surface. But I understand there is a chance this idea may not be so fun. A concept in progress. Perhaps it will work, perhaps not.
Your preference gave me an idea! Though I do not think I will use holding to dig (so as to make the game more difficult), I like the idea of an "AutoChop" mechanic which could be bought or un-locked down the line.
Thank you again for chiming in!