I chanced on this game and was extremely surprised when I was actually scared! Well done!
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If you move as far right as the camera allows you, then place your mouse underneath the player before moving left again... I believe you can move about 40 pixels away from the where the mouse is - this is most frustrating when you need to jump and hit the spikes below you. I would recommend making the player static in the centre of the screen and have the animations show the direction.
This would mean tighter controls, I would say!
An aesthetic entry!
My main gripe with this game is that the player physics are smooth to smooth out movement, but that this does not cooperate at all with precise mouse controls (locking onto dangerous objects). If you change direction, your mouse is now in a completely different place than it was. This is very disorienting to the player. I would recommend keeping the player static in the centre of the screen and instead use animation to show the direction of the player.
Otherwise great sound effects, art and game mechanics!
Enjoyable little acorn-collecting game!
The power-ups were well implemented and the homing power-up was really fun to pick up.
My only feedback would be that, due to the small window size, maximising makes the movement feel rather choppy. Perhaps having 2 or 3x larger sprites would make the movement feel quite smooth?
Overall fantastic work on this!
Interesting little game!
I unfortunately rage-quit due to the goalpost moving constantly. I am not sure the rest of the level design felt "rage"-y enough to make the goalpost moving feel fair.
Otherwise the level design felt good (I believe I made it to Level 3). Perhaps check the block detection on the player, as it sometimes felt like I died because the movement keys were still registering even though I was not fully on the next block yet.
Overall well done!
Edit: I thought of a solution for the goalpost. Perhaps make the animation a smooth "flying" animation when it moves and have it do so a little earlier than it does now. This would make it feel more fair, I believe...
I believe this is my favourite game of the jam! A deserving winner.
A beautiful idea, excellent storytelling and good gameplay.
I would only change the controls around. Space to attack and W to jump. Would become a one-hand game.
Perhaps the player movement could be worked on too. Test a few things out, at the moment the controls are just a little too floaty somehow.
I really hope you consider doing something more with this game and perhaps fleshing it out to more levels, different animals and areas. It's a beautiful idea which would translate extremely well to all platforms (mobile included).
Extremely well done on the game!
Interesting game!
The combination of the music, changing house layout and cutscene-style camera positions would make for an exciting horror game or maybe a puzzle game. I think horror is the way to go. Would say the music could be improved.
As you pick up things a lot in the game, pressing becomes quite tedious and feels cramped quickly. I would recommend changing the pick-up button to Space, perhaps?
Otherwise great work!
An original idea! I very much enjoyed it.
My only feedback would be the first enemies that only have one colour, I would at least give them a black "outline" so they appear ghost-like when they go on a white background. Not being able to see what kills you at all is not so fun. They could, for example, have a blinking outline that blinks with a delay in between, so you can only see them occasionally when on a white background.
Otherwise a stellar game!
Thank you kindly! I may have even surprised myself with my second game's graphics.
I absolutely adore small details when I play others' games, so I hope to be able to add more un-expected titbits like the stump falling into Winter Breaker.
There is a plan for the no-physics of the house, as the "rock" block on the edges at the start, will be invisible barriers and borders to items and different areas (as well as other blocks.) This is an idea that will need some testing, so we shall see with this one...
My idea for this game was, through Freezing (due to the Freeze Meter running out and not being able to return to the start in time), you learn to dig in such a way that you are always able to return to the surface. But I understand there is a chance this idea may not be so fun. A concept in progress. Perhaps it will work, perhaps not.
Your preference gave me an idea! Though I do not think I will use holding to dig (so as to make the game more difficult), I like the idea of an "AutoChop" mechanic which could be bought or un-locked down the line.
Thank you again for chiming in!
I think you should lengthen the cooldown of Infection if you work on it more, as you have said in other comments.
Many games now try to keep most buttons near-ish to the WASD keys as it means you can play them with one hand! But it is only a suggestion. I would recommend testing W to jump and Space to attack. I think it would feel very natural.
Personally, I'd like to see more games just allow movement to be both on WASD and arrow keys, meaning you can switch and swap at any time (keyboard games can feel cramped after a while) and make it easier for left or right-handed people, but that is just me.
Perhaps the enemies could knock you quite far back? I notice now that the blob enemies both shoot and hit you with.. their tongue? The amount their projectiles knock you back could be a universal knock-back. Meaning the player does not want to get hit. The player knocking back the enemies quite far when hitting them could be a fun addition.
No issue at all with the precision platform areas themselves! But I think you should choose. If you prefer the floaty controls, then the precision areas should go. If you liked the precision areas, the floaty controls should go. Personally, I love pixel art games and many do not have floaty movement, so I would just remove the floaty movement and keep the precision areas myself...
Good work, once again and look forward to seeing more!
A tip of the hat for the kind words!
This was, of course, a planned feature that you discovered. So well done for discovering it! For me! So I can add it to the ga-
In all seriousness, one of my ideas was the ability to equip different weapons you could buy as you progress. Your idea is stellar and I am almost certain I will implement it!
Thank you again.
A superb brawler.
I was not expecting the controls to feel so tight. The targeting is perfect and I always forget how effective screen shake is, then I notice it in yet another game! I may need to incorporate it into my own game (while breaking blocks)...
Was it possible to destroy that flying PIECE OF S-i mean... monster? I was not personally able to DESTRO- ...kill it.
Your "one day" artstyle grew on me fast. It is adorable, and the enemies look comedic. If you work on this more I do not even think you need to "update" the artstyle or anything. Perhaps just some shadow effects.
This is, in fact, one of my favourite entries in the jam! Is there any chance you will work on this game some more? There could be multiple levels, bosses and more. You do not need items because the fighting mechanic alone is too fun. A dodge button could be a good addition, but I adore the "simplicity" of this game.
Thank you so much! I am quite excited about all the mechanics I have in mind, so will definitely continue development.
I very much appreciate your tips and feedback and might incorporate everything you mentioned. Visual cues are my jam and I would create graphics and animation for when the player has not done an expected action in a certain amount of time.
You will also be able to enter the house from the start of the game (the button for entering will come up before the axe) and perhaps the game manual could be lying in there on a table.
The outline is a must! The chopping diagonally is something I will look into. I do not want to make getting back up too easy - which allowing diagonal chopping may do, as I want the player to have to use some strategy to make it back up in time (before Freezing), using the High Jump and other mechanics I will add to the game. The limited movement was a planned feature in this case, but I will try out diagonal movement and see how it feels. Much appreciate all the suggestions.
This is only my second game, so it could take some time for the next update to arrive. It is all a fantastic learning experience! Thank you again for your feedback.
An enjoyable little RAAAGE...
My only feedback is to raise all the speed-related numbers in your code. It feels a bit too slow at the moment, like it is playing in slow-motion.
Being able to launch a little before all movement/sliding has finished would make it even more fun and smooth too, though this could be difficult to implement.
Excellent work with this ga- GET. no. GET U!- NO DONT FAL- goddangit. STAHP- no. ok. i can do it this time. GE- uhhhhh. NO! ooooh... ... ... K!!!!-yes. did it. finally. ok *phew* next stage...