Thanks. I appreciate your advice. I am glad you didn't find any bugs. I play tested for two days. I will be adding music ASAP. I really like that font, but for you I will make it easier to read.
The clock is set to military time. Allura is always in the garden at 12 except when it is raining, in which case she will be in the music room or home ec class. Was she ever in the garden? I am really curious because I can't not get her to show up? What exactly did you do before noon on the days she didn't show up?
Why should I lower the height of the text bar? Did it cover something or would it just make it easier to see the backgrounds? if the latter pressing the H key will hide the text bar all together.
I know art is not my strongest suit. I will keep working on it.
I am glad you liked the game. I was going for different. Again I appreciate your feedback.