Really awesome! I love how you managed to bring snake into this game, a bit more unsure about the projectiles (I don't think they 100% fit) but you managed it very well! Collecting the pages was a fun objective, although it meant I got to learn the mechanics in a bit of an weird order, so I had to figure things out myself instead.
Even so, I still felt motivated to play through the whole thing, and it never felt too hard or too easy.
Viewing post in Shift Shape Adventure jam comments
Feel free to use the image! Regarding the projectiles I think it's mostly cause I know you were forced to shoehorn them in haha, but you did manage to do it in an interesting way where you have to think about your placement. I especially liked how you had to go to an edge to shoot a block for away in the end of the secret opening.
I think the reason the shooting feels of is cause of the block based theming, why can these blocks shoot out other blocks, which pass through walls you you can't? But then, not everything has to make sense in a video game, I'm really struggling to come up with a reason.
The more I think about the puzzles including the projectiles the more I realize how well made they were. I really don't have any ideas for improvements for it. Well done!