Hey there, just played your game! Here's what I liked:
- Nice background art, it gives off really cool vibes!
- I liked that the reaper is smiling - very wholesome.
- Loved the animation it plays when it touches a soul too!
Some thoughts I had:
- Is there a win condition?
- I lost after awhile (Game Over) - unclear if there was a time limit to win. If there is one, it should be shown at the top of the screen? That way there can be some anticipation, like 'OMG i'm gonna make it!' or inversely if it's a time limit for losing, then my brain would go 'OMG i'm running out of time!'
- I know there's the 50% thing but I wasn't really mentally counting how close to 50% I am, it was a bit abrupt when I lost. Maybe an indicator or making the text slowly turn red as you fall behind would be a nice effect.
You asked for ideas, not sure if they fit your vision but here are some bonus ideas that can maybe make the game more fun:
- Having goals would be nice. You already have a counter for how many caught, so why not do like 0/20 ghosts caught, +10% move speed.
If you wanna take it further, you can even add powerups (or have them as passive upgrades):
- Magnet - attracts ghosts, more magnets = higher attraction force or range
- Full screen clear - Clears all ghosts on screen
- Growth potion - makes the vampire big temporarily - giving it bigger hitbox and easier to catch ghosts further away
These are simple ways to make the game feel more meaningful, and chase beyond just highscores. Powerups and passive bonuses also make it more engaging. That way you can even make the game get faster as time goes by, so it feels more varied.
Overall it was a chill and fun wholesome experience, I'll rate your game once the ratings open! :)
I also just submitted my game, Last Fuse - if you're into strategy games, I'm looking for feedback on it as well!