Thanks to a rather handy WebXR tutorial, I've added WebXR support alongside the temporary render host. I'll keep things running for the rest of the weekend for anyone who wants to try out Genchanted without any location installation required:
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Thanks! I was able to get it working with the WebXR version, and it even ran fairly quickly, at least compared to my expectations after you explained that it is really slow.
The best object I got was this very cube-ular apple:
Very cool! We are on our way to the holodeck :-)
I also tried asking for a house and a heart, and neither of those actually looked like the requested objects.
And all the objects it made seem to have their normals flipped and/or their vertices wound backwards, such that I see the inside faces of objects and the outside faces are culled. I don't know how much control you have over that, but perhaps you need to invert the normals and/or reverse the winding order of what the generator gives you?
Anyway, I hope you keep iterating on this! I'd love to see a more developed version. And, I know it probably isn't easy/cheap to host the server, having it as a WebXR experience really makes it more accessible than with all the setup.
I appreciate the feedback!
I implemented some additional variables to control the winding order of the faces as well as the culling mode. I think these images should illustrate the fixes:

Hosting via WebXR is a little tricky if one domain hosts the game environment (say and another is meant to be providing the rendering. I might just need to play more with CORS and other settings next time (where available).
Regards speed I was able to get a hold of a 3090 (24 GB of VRAM) instead of a 3060 (12 GB VRAM) for the remainder of the game jam which makes a massive difference (safetensors model is 16 GB, anything less and processing spills over to system RAM and becomes CPU bound).
Long term I intend to roll the work over into another Open Source project so will keep expanding and improving as better models become available (generating 3D objects is still pretty new).