This is one ambitious project for 2 people in a week lol. Still i did have fun playing it, at least until I walked too far from the village and got my ass handed to my by a pretty tough monster. I tried again and got the moonflower on my second attempt, overall it was pretty fun but i still have some suggestions for you that i think could be implemented relatively quickly.
First i think the character moves very slowly and turning around feels a bit sluggish, maybe expiriment with Nothings movespeed or drag a little bit.
Secondly it would be amazing if you could add a sound or some other kind of feedback to know that youve been healed. As of now there is no difference between not being able to talk to someone and being healed by her.
Lastly and i think most importantly i think moving around in the monster filled area would be a bit less frustrating at times if you couldnt immediately get into a fight after defeating another enemy. Maybe add a little grace period or a minimum step count until you can get another encounter.
I had a good time playing your game and hope to see you continue development in the future <3