I like the absurdity of drunk diving, it was very fun to dash around and harpoon things. My only issue is I wish the boulders travelled further because it felt like I didn't have enough space to really slingshot them in some of the caves. I'm impressed you pulled this off alone!
Viewing post in Don't Drink and Dive jam comments
Thanks for your feedback. I puzzled over this mechanic, and (annoyingly now post-jam) I think I found the answer. It pulls towards you and stops just short of you, so that you can blast it through stuff that is between you and it, but I should have made it so that it keeps going through the player and the blue rocks don't collide with the player, that way you can just grab a rock and throw it at the enemy and not have to get the other side of the enemy first. So I agree totally, it would feel more fluid if the boulders were just to keep going when pulled rather than glue to the harpoon. Thanks loads for playing!