Thank you!!!!! 😍 I'm very glad.
One of the this game's theme was complete a game with few additional materials. This game is my first game that open to public. I had not complete one game and used RPG Maker engines, so I don't know how additional plugins work for the engine, and I don't think I want to know it.
Another theme was to get players to first think“What the heck is this?” and then to respond to them well. When an enemy downs, player might think "How do I do?" and when player interact him "Oh, He is unconcious.". When player's HP goes down, player might think "Oh, it's physical damage.". I wanted to impress these feelings.
I think this is an expression of frustration that games rarely provide these feelings in the midst of exploration and play. Players will try many ways while playing the game. They wants to talk to character many times, throw them, kill them, or find glitches and bugs, use these, and get peed on....... This is the time to feel human while playing alone. I don't know if it worked, at least I tried to create it so.
During the creation of this game jam game I was thinking of it that I tried to responded to their curiosity. (Thanks to this game jam.)
※Actually I am not good at playing and reading in English. So it is difficult for me to play many of the games available on, and sorry if this reply contains any rude nuance.(Thanks to The Wisdom English-Japanese Dictionary Third Edition. 😅)