Cool game, I really like the puzzle design on most of the levels but I think it is sometimes ruined by unnecessary rage platformer elements (which is fine if that's what you were going for but I just feel you're devaluing your own product as you're clearly a talented puzzle designer). My other feedback would be to make sure sprites aren't blurry. Fun game either way and definitely made me laugh!
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Thanks for playing and thanks for the feedback :)
I think i kind of started out building a rage platformer and sort of backed into making a puzzle game lol,but yeah i definitely agree! I'm working on a "post-jam" release version of the game now with improved movement, better visuals and some new more puzzle-y levels and am considering dropping some of the original ones. Were there any levels in particular you thought didn't fit the game? (the main one i'm thinking of getting rid of at the moment is high dive)
Yeah you've definitely managed to make a fun rage/puzzle platformer!
I think the only level that didn't fit was level 10 as you mentioned, as there isn't really any puzzle elements but I can see this as more of a rage level. The final jump being precise is cool but I think the character controller isn't quite responsive enough and coupled with the spike moving it feels more like a leap of faith, which seems slightly unfair to the player and not that rewarding.
Level 12 introduces a really cool concept and shows it off in a really fun way, I just wish it didn't have the random flags popping out as I feel they only serve to annoy on a level that is otherwise very well thought out and requires puzzle solving from the player (it's annoying when you are trying to figure out a puzzle and then suddenly die through no fault of your own is what I'm getting at!).
That being said the way you teach new mechanics and test what the player thinks they know by flipping stuff on its head (this is most present in the first 6 or so levels) is really good, and there was a lot of "gotcha" moments that were done amazingly!