This game has a really fun control scheme. The golf controls being put into a 'boss fight' game like with with all the bouncy momentum the game has works really well and makes the game pretty fun. The random events also add a lot to the gameplay, and the boss fights are both good. The one problem I have with the bosses however is that the attacks of the bosses are not telegraphed. This leads to attacks like the Uranium boss's ones just spawning out of nowhere, which can make the attacks feel unfair.
The art and sound are also simple yet effective which makes the game pretty appealing visually. My only minor gripe with the graphic though is that the pixel style of the title screen is kind of out of place when comparing it to the simple art of the main gameplay. Both look great on their own, but together they don't mix well to me. I also think that the buttons on the title screen could have had more of a visual change to them upon clicking/hovering over them. Right now the buttons kind of just warp you into gameplay and it feels a bit weird.
When I played, I sometimes ran into a bug where I would die, and the game would not restart. This didn't happen all the time, but it was annoying when it did. I also ran into a more minor bug where if you click the start button and hold down click, the reticle for shooting the square would appear at full power at the top-left corner at the screen and launch as soon as I let go. This didn't really affect the experience that much, but its just a small thing I found. Last small thing, the Quit button completely freezes the game. I know that this happens because of how Unity's Application.Quit() works, so this isn't necessarily a bug. But usually I personally make a habit of hiding the quit button from my build before building it just so the freeze doesn't happen.