A game jam game like this having an actual story behind is super cool, and helps this game stand out from all the others. The story theme of working through a stressed mind ties really well into the chaos theming. I didn't quite reach the end of the story (got stuck on level 5 lol) but it was heartwarming to see it develop.
The graphics for the most part are pretty good, especially the UI that looks super cool. The music is super chill and works really well here, especially considering that the story paints this game as a sort of therapy session. I also, as you claimed, did not experience any major bugs at all while playing. The only minor thing I found is that the Quota number can still go down if you repeatedly click while having a panic attack, but that did not affect gameplay that much at all.
My only problem with the game is that it mainly a clicking simulator. This isn't inherently bad in its own right, and the stress mechanic that you have to use strategically in later levels is really good mechanic that does add some depth to it. But either way I usually feel like I'm mindlessly clicking black scribbles and not much else. As well, I feel like with the stress mechanic, it can be annoying if you let the bar go too high to the point of seemingly no return for simply missing one scribble. In level 5 specifically I really felt this because in that level, it feels like you really have to ride the line between barely managing and certain death perfectly. Honestly this more likely just a massive skill issue on my end and I may need to just get better, but level 5 did start to frustrate me after a while with the monotony of trying to ride the fine line absolutely perfectly.