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A member registered Feb 12, 2024 · View creator page →

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A game jam game like this having an actual story behind is super cool, and helps this game stand out from all the others. The story theme of working through a stressed mind ties really well into the chaos theming. I didn't quite reach the end of the story (got stuck on level 5 lol) but it was heartwarming to see it develop.

The graphics for the most part are pretty good, especially the UI that looks super cool. The music is super chill and works really well here, especially considering that the story paints this game as a sort of therapy session. I also, as you claimed, did not experience any major bugs at all while playing. The only minor thing I found is that the Quota number can still go down if you repeatedly click while having a panic attack, but that did not affect gameplay that much at all.

My only problem with the game is that it mainly a clicking simulator. This isn't inherently bad in its own right, and the stress mechanic that you have to use strategically in later levels is really good mechanic that does add some depth to it. But either way I usually feel like I'm mindlessly clicking black scribbles and not much else. As well, I feel like with the stress mechanic, it can be annoying if you let the bar go too high to the point of seemingly no return for simply missing one scribble. In level 5 specifically I really felt this because in that level, it feels like you really have to ride the line between barely managing and certain death perfectly. Honestly this more likely just a massive skill issue on my end and I may need to just get better, but level 5 did start to frustrate me after a while with the monotony of trying to ride the fine line absolutely perfectly.

The fact that this game has a full on save system that not only saves your progress, but also pretty much allows the game to still run in some form while the game is no longer running is pretty insane. I don't think the save system affects this game too much in the scope of the jam,  but having that knowledge for either future games or a possible update to this game is a great thing to have. The concept for this game is pretty interesting as well, a relaxing farming simulator game is not my first thought when I think of Chaos, but that alone makes the concept work well because its unexpected.

The graphics and audio work relatively well. While the art isn't perfect, I respect the fact it was custom made, and it works well enough to convey what's there,. The menu icons and sunflowers specifically look really good. The audio also works well, the music specifically fits the chill farming sim theme.

I feel like the game could have potentially been a bit more chaotic though. The asteroids and random bombs spawning do add a bit to the chaos theme, but most of my gameplay really boiled down to just clicking asteroids that could appear. There were times were a purple asteroid would appear right where my pots were so I had to frantically move them, but this didn't happen super often. Granted, this is a farming simulator that's supposed to be laid back,  but I feel like something such as bigger random events that were more chaotic for brief periods could be added in to make it even more chaotic more frequently.

Yo! I'm Link the Cat-hog, and I'm here to wreck your stuff! Weeeeeeeee! This game is easy to understand and it's quite satisfying to ruin the tavern cat's day. The title being RPG Simulator really sets up a funny first impression for the player, as they may enter the game expecting a typical rpg only to be greeted by a destruction simulator, very chaotic. Also, respect for implementing control support, not many game jam games do that.

The music fits surprisingly well, the song choices for the title, destruction and result phases all fit to what area their played in game. The sound effects are all good too, the audio feedback from destroying objects makes the destruction even more satisfying. The graphics are ok, the levels are mainly a mish-mash of models and the walls are just stretched textures, but it works well enough to tell what is what.

There was only one major bug I ran into: On the third level, when going through the hallway sections where the camera angle changes, the first few times I played my controls got swapped to to where left was up, up was right, etc. This really killed my experience of that level at first, since that bug really made the controls annoying to use. But I played the game again a few times after and the bug went away, so not sure what triggers it but the bug definitely affects gameplay in a bad way if it happens.

Now having seen the video of gameplay, we can now see at least see what this game was meant to be. Funny how both of our submissions went with the bullet hell game idea. The mechanics of swapping the colors to alter which bullets hurt you and which don't is definitely more novel than my more standard fast-slow movement style gameplay however, so props for that. 

And although they're somewhat out of place in the gameplay, I respect the song choices as well. The graphics as well look bad, but they feel intentionally bad, which is hilarious and fits in well with the vibe of the game. Also love how the on the title screen the game is just titled "Game". Shame the game isn't playable though. Hopefully someday the mysteries of compiling python code that doesn't make Windows panic about it being a virus can be solved.

Thank you! I put a lot of time into doing the art this jam :)

Thanks for the comment!  The high difficulty was an intentional choice, because not only did I think it was more chaotic but also it left room for people who are potentially really good at bullet hells to shine. When I play I usually get around 10-20 deaths (my personal best is 8 at the moment), but I have a friend who does play these types of games and he apparently somehow minimized it to only 1 death. Don't know how many attempts he needed to pulled that off, but that does prove my game can probably be perfected nonetheless at least. 

Thanks for the comment! There were certainly some patterns I implemented that were less thought out than others, but for the most part I did try to implement patterns that not only looked cool, but also could be dodged perfectly by a skilled enough player. I was able to clear a lot of the patterns I made either perfectly or close to perfectly. I also by some miracle have a friend who somehow managed to clear my game in only 1 death apparently, so its at least not impossible to dodge the patterns I implemented. However some of the patterns are slightly more rng dependent than others, which does tie into the chaos theming, but also makes the patterns somewhat unfair at points.

I really like the concept for this game. Going around trying to survive against a horde of enemies for as long as possible seems like pretty fun idea. It also fits into the chaos theming of just having to deal with so many enemies at once. The graphics of the player and enemies also look nice and its nice to see them animated. The sound effects were also pretty good here, and the inclusion of music was nice, although the music did get slightly repetitive after a while. 

The main issues with this game lie in the layering issues, the ai of the melee enemies and the players life steal from enemies. The layering of the textures is all over the place. There are some objects I can just walk through, some I can walk on top off and some that have collisions in weird places. Most notably the tiles on the edges of the map overlap the player entirely, having enemies seeming spawn from nowhere near them.

I also found that the ai of the enemies with melee attacks were pretty wonky. I could just stand in one place as the player, have a bunch of melee enemies surround me, and they would just dance endlessly around me until I kill them. That is somewhat chaotic, but that means that the gameplay can just boil down to just standing in place and killing enemies once they reach you. The life steal also felt too high. I could just farm melee enemies and stay alive forever (the ranged skeleton enemies were still a good threat however).

This was such a neat little game to play through. The fact a 3D game like this was created in only 2 days is so cool, props for that. The indie horror vibes that were present through the game were great, I was even afraid I was about to get jump scared at the end, which didn't happen but that made it better since I was trapped in anticipation for said jump scare instead.

All of the sections in the game were all around pretty good, really adding to the whole 'mind-bending' aspect of the game. But the only issue was that there really wasn't much to do in the sections, besides finding different buttons to press and pressing forward. The platforming sections did help alleviate this issue, but I personally felt the platforming section in the giant room was slightly punishing. I kept messing up jumps and had to keep going back to try the entire section again, which wasn't super fun.

I also think that some form of music and added sound effects would have been good to have here. The button sound effect is good, but besides that there's no other kind of sound at all in the game. Some simple music or even footsteps for the player would be really nice to have.

Ah yes, I'm being lectured by multiple you's while 'playing' the pizza game where I draw circles in Microsoft Paint, endlessly do math questions, and endless pour drinks that never get served. 10/10 incredible game.

That being said, the chaos is at least certainly present here. This might be a bug, but the game being in Debug mode is also pretty funny. I can't really play the game that much though, because once the Godot icon wants a drink, there's not much else I can do except watch the timer run down. 

The best way I can describe this game is a cursed, wonky mess where it's possible to have stupid fun simply because of how much of a mess it can be at times.

The feel of the game is all over the place. The sword mechanic works fine, and I like how you can use it to try and pick up different abilities from enemies. Also, the fact that abilities are stored in a box above is a pretty neat concept. However, with just the sheer amount of force the turtus hit you with, you rarely can actually hang on to the abilities for long, which usually renders them useless in the game. Also, the sheer force that the turtus hit you with make it so actual control in this game usually non-existent, it becomes mostly about where the tutrus take you. The knockback feels wonky, as you simply are just being pushed back by some non-existent force after being hit.

The art is very simple, arguably too simple at times (something more than just a green square as the ground would have been nice), but with how this game is, it somehow works very well. The fact the art is custom-made is also a plus in my eyes, at it just adds that much more soul to the game. The biggest problem with graphics however is the fact that the graphics only exist for so long. Once you reach the borders of the world, the art just ends.

Similarly, the sound design for this type of game is hilarious. The fact I can hear a tiny bit of laughter at the end of some voice lines really just adds that much more to making it more cursed. One small problem is that the music seems to only loop once, and then it just ends. I feel like that ends up working in the game's favor though, since it allows the sound effects to shine that much more.

With all that said however, all these elements combined with their flaws turn this game into a hysterical chaotic mess. The gameplay just turns into 'ok I'm flying across the world into the voi- oop now I'm being sent to the stratosphere in the other direction what is even happening anymore' along with endless turtus reciting countless different voice lines through my ears. My default feeling while playing was just complete confusion, which is exactly what I should be seeing in a 'Chaos' themed game. Well done.

(2 edits)

This game has a really fun control scheme. The golf controls being put into a 'boss fight' game like with with all the bouncy momentum the game has works really well and makes the game pretty fun. The random events also add a lot to the gameplay, and the boss fights are both good. The one problem I have with the bosses however is that the attacks of the bosses are not telegraphed. This leads to attacks like the Uranium boss's ones just spawning out of nowhere, which can make the attacks feel unfair.

The art and sound are also simple yet effective which makes the game pretty appealing visually. My only minor gripe with the graphic though is that the pixel style of the title screen is kind of out of place when comparing it to the simple art of the main gameplay. Both look great on their own, but together they don't mix well to me. I also think that the buttons on the title screen could have had more of a visual change to them upon clicking/hovering over them. Right now the buttons kind of just warp you into gameplay and it feels a bit weird.

When I played, I sometimes ran into a bug where I would die, and the game would not restart. This didn't happen all the time, but it was annoying when it did. I also ran into a more minor bug where if you click the start button and hold down click, the reticle for shooting the square would appear at full power at the top-left corner at the screen and launch as soon as I let go. This didn't really affect the experience that much, but its just a small thing I found. Last small thing, the Quit button completely freezes the game. I know that this happens because of how Unity's Application.Quit() works, so this isn't necessarily a bug. But usually I personally make a habit of hiding the quit button from my build before building it just so the freeze doesn't happen.

(I have a lot to say about this game lol, sorry about the paragraphs of feedback :) )

There is a lot in this game that makes it great. The intro animation for the title screen is amazing, the UI in general looks great, the art used for the game looks very appealing and the game being as complex as it is very impressive to see in a 2-day jam.

I feel that the core rules and mechanics of the game are a double-edged sword. On one hand, its very original and if one were to learn the mechanics, it would probably be a very in-depth game to play and be fun to master. On the other hand however, as it is currently it's very hard to just jump in and play this game since you pretty much have to read over every rule to understand what to do. There's also just so many rules that I don't really understand what to do (perhaps I'm just too small brain). I feel like if the game were to slowly introduce more tile types as the game goes, it would be easier to learn the core mechanics of the game as it goes on.

Although the sound is great overall, sound effects for selecting tiles, and for when some tiles changing the board around would add a lot. Its usually hard to tell what's happening once I select a tile (again this could be because I didn't quite get the rules but oh well). Also having some form of game over music or sound effect would be nice to have as well. 

Lastly, there were a fair amount of bugs that happened during my time playing it. In addition to the ones addressed previously, I also sometimes had my game completely crash upon selecting a tile, with giving me an error message and all. Not sure if this was an itch problem or a problem with the game, but it happened to me twice nonetheless. Also a small thing, but the Quit buttons completely freeze the game after their clicked. I know that this happens due to how Application.Quit() works in Unity though, so I think just omitting them from the web build altogether would have been fine.

The models on display here look great for the most part, and I like the ambition of attempting to create a game jam game in Unreal Engine.

I wish I could have seen the game in a playable state though. I was there in person when the game was 'showcased', so knowing the background makes it understandable why its not however. I can also spot a few little placeholder models in the scene too, which I'm not entirely sure was intended or not.

(1 edit)

This was a really fun little puzzle game! Assuming that the keyboard controls are used, the game controls well and is easy to pick up and play. The random events add lot to make the gameplay interesting, and the 'first event I ran into' (for spoilers, if it matters lol) was a great chaotic way of introducing challenge into the gameplay over time.

For a few small nitpicks that probably could have been alleviated if it weren't a 2-day jam, although the sound effects are also great, some music would have made the game even better. I also think that a font different from the default Unity font would have been nice to have as well. 

Lastly, I don't exactly know what triggers it, but I also ran into a small bug where I was able to move blocks around and drop them even after a game over. The blocks would also run down the wild card counter and put it into the negative values after dropping them. However this didn't always happen and it didn't affect the experience too much either way.

FUTURE EDIT: A small little thing I just noticed that's really neat is that this game seems to lightly tie into at least 5 out of the 7 possible themes that could have happened in this jam: Chaos since that was the chosen theme and with its random events, Gravity with how the blocks drop super fast, Stacking with how you literally stack blocks, Immortality in the form of <spoiler character lol>, and Rain in the form of the rain random event. Not sure if that was intentional or not, but if it was that's really neat lol.

Thanks for the feedback! When I went about designing the movement,  I decided to leave in the super-fast movement because I felt it made the movement more chaotic and made sense for Lydia being a hummingbird. But I agree, if I were to update this game again later, I probably should tone it down speed at least a little bit so that players can have an easier time getting used to it.

Thanks for the critique! I did want to try a system like multiple health bars and even some pre-fight enemies before the fight, but because I undertook the task of creating pretty much all of the art and sound myself, I didn't get the time to add those features in. I may go back to this game sometime to add in some stuff like that tho lol this was fun to make.

So as promised, I've now updated the game to Version 1.1.0! It features 6 new levels, a pixel art overhaul, a music overhaul, various new menu features, many bug fixes and tweaks and lots more funny stuff. Perhaps there may be secrets to find... :)

Woah, this game won 1st place in the game jam  I made this for, thats kinda neat lol 

I may update this game eventually to do a hotfix to it at the very least, but I may perhaps even improve it with more content and improve what exists because I had fun making this and want to do more with it. (and lets now hope this comment doesn't become dated lmao)