I really like the concept for this game. Going around trying to survive against a horde of enemies for as long as possible seems like pretty fun idea. It also fits into the chaos theming of just having to deal with so many enemies at once. The graphics of the player and enemies also look nice and its nice to see them animated. The sound effects were also pretty good here, and the inclusion of music was nice, although the music did get slightly repetitive after a while.
The main issues with this game lie in the layering issues, the ai of the melee enemies and the players life steal from enemies. The layering of the textures is all over the place. There are some objects I can just walk through, some I can walk on top off and some that have collisions in weird places. Most notably the tiles on the edges of the map overlap the player entirely, having enemies seeming spawn from nowhere near them.
I also found that the ai of the enemies with melee attacks were pretty wonky. I could just stand in one place as the player, have a bunch of melee enemies surround me, and they would just dance endlessly around me until I kill them. That is somewhat chaotic, but that means that the gameplay can just boil down to just standing in place and killing enemies once they reach you. The life steal also felt too high. I could just farm melee enemies and stay alive forever (the ranged skeleton enemies were still a good threat however).