First of all, this is just my opinion, anyone can disagree and it will still be fine
The game is fun to play and for a first game this is decent. Good job with the level design too. Nevertheless I didn't find nothing incongruous in the level, I mean everything seems pretty typical in fantasy, maybe the skeletons and the nature could be related. I mean death doesn't fit in an environment filled of life.
The controls are really good but sometimes I feel like they are a bit sloppy, I was moving right and fell on the cliff because the stop acceleration didn't allow me to stop in time. The wall jump nonetheless it's decent and I enjoyed it. As side note, the attack feels too slow for how fast enemies attack.
Difficulty wasn't hard, but neither wasn't easy so I appreciate that it was balanced.
Music and SFX fit mostly well but I feel, personally, a music more fantasy like and chirps of birds, as we are in the forest, could have given the project a full potential boost. Overall pretty good anyway.
Obstacle wise I believe you could have done better, aside from the slopes to jump on, the enemies make it hard for you to advance. Not because they are too hard to kill but because it seems they instantly damage you. You can't really close in and attack, in the meantime you might have lost half of your life in the process of killing one.
Graphic wise and keeping in mind it's your first time, I really liked it. You did a very good job on that side.
Overall I give it a 4/5.