Just finished playing your game - impressive stuff.
Your writing is very well constructed and I struggled to find a single typo in there ( essential for VNs) and I thought the use of the art and low key music combined effectively with the narrative to set the scene rather well.
Really, although I enjoyed it I found it hard to grasp the story and follow along with it - but that's no sleight on your part it's just that the game is filled with military/scientific terminology and misaligns with my own interests so I struggled to really get invested in it.
To me it read out like a Tom Clancy/Chris Ryan novel and even though my dad always wanted to join the army (they wouldn't have him - he was far too soft) he was always reading those military fiction novels, he was a gamer too and I guarantee you he would have LOVED playing your game.
Even though the genre was not my cup of tea I can't take away from the fact that it is obvious you put a lot of time, love and dedication into making your game so congratulations on a project well done and thanks so much for making and sharing with us.