A. He did not made my "favorite sex game" and I do not put him on a high pedestal.
B. I am NOT your bro, nor anyone else’s. (The same goes for every other wording suggesting familiarity)
C. They’ve been harassed for something that troll-account on X formerly Twitter said, ignoring what Kabier has to say about her own relationship. And you just do it again.
If JasonAfex had been 25+ yes, I would have said the same as you. But he was 21, barely a full adult himself. (no, I do not see 18 as adulthood, but 21 since not all are fully developed before 21.) Someone dating a 16-year-old does feel strange to me (as I already stated) but JasonAfex married Kabier 6 years ago and (as far as I can say) still is married to her. That is not a pedophile “loving” children but a guy who found love.
[Edit:] The reason I even reacted to your comment is that seeing a denouncing comment like yours, where evidence must first be requested, already angers me (and without proof that was denunciation). But then your evidence actually speaks against your point, but you still choose that to make your stand?
Heavens above and hells bellow, I am no native speaker, but I still understand what is written in that long discussion on FA, where only gunstinger tried to die on that hill of JasonAfex being a Pedo (well, besides JasonAfex and Kabier only four held against her. But if it were more than simple hate, at least someone would have helped her).