Glad to see this back, though I'm a little disappointed since I like roguelikes more.
-Interesting choice to let you control the boat from anywhere on it. Controls are ok I suppose.
-Instead of boating I jump into the drink, but I seem to breath underwater. Swimming feels odd, and despite not knowing the key I just intuited that pressing E would climb me back onto the boat, which also works on the shore ledge somewhat surprisingly. We now have a way out.
-Nevermind I can actually drown, good to know. And a piece of thought, I notice that it's ctrl to go down in water, space to go up. Though, I wonder if it's better to map up to shift since it then mirrors the boat controls? idk
-Jumped onto a shark thing and shanked it like a proper fisherman, not sure why since I can't do anything with it it seems.
-Beating up Hawaiians is more fun than I imagined. Gun feels alright. Also, it seems like you can stand on the shore angled wall/ledge and walk along it, but can't jump or press E, so you have to be awkward and go into the water to then get back on land. (And one time the E to get on land didn't work and I was teleported onto the shore wall/ledge as described.)
-Having to backtrack to my boat after slaying some guys, I almost wish I could control the boat from land for the heck of it, so I could maneuver it to me faster.
-Your anti slope climbing is too aggressive, I'm going up the mountain and I'm getting stuck on small slopes! See pic, also you can see the inside face of the grass from this low angle.
-I realize the gun is odd, since it takes so many shots to kill, but you can one-shot with melee. Why can't I head shot them like I can head chop? Maybe the bullets aren't going where I think. [later] Yeah it's less accurate than I thought.
-Blowdarts are annoying, but manageable. No rewards for killing them though. Also, I only now realized there's glass in the cabin that prevents shots! Don't make that literally invisible, it's gameplay.
-Died of crabs when getting rifle, but I kept it after respawn. I assume it's so forgiving since it's intended for testing.
-I kind of just played the demo until the end after that point, here's some thoughts.
Blunderbuss only takes one ammo per shot, which seems odd given the ammo icon being 4 pellets. You could group the pellets into a circle of the pellets, which would better get the point across. Though I must say this feels like a really weak shotgun, since most of your shot misses, and when it does hit it isn't the headshot which is so effective it's almost necessary to focus on it to conserve ammo. Though most of my time using it was when I ran out of ammo and had to finish off the stragglers. Not the intended use case!
Combat and by extension the enemy variety is there, but it doesn't feel like much yet. It's your standard strafe and shoot, and the enemies do different attacks but are otherwise very similar to one another. I suppose there are the monkeys, but they're more like natural hazards you 'dodge' by walking in a straight line.
Boss was mediocre, but did the job of soaking up damage. Due to the arena doing nothing special and the boss doing ranged attacks, it wasn't much different to what I had done up to that point.
The boat doesn't seem to really mean much right now, besides as a mean to travel between locations. I would like it more incorporated, like you upgrade it with materials and you now have a mini turret you can supply with darts or whatever to shoot at your enemies. Or being able to find treasure spots in the water with it, maybe boat battles where you can ram the enemy vessel. Something to spice it up. But, if it stayed as is it isn't the end of the world, it just feels like a not so great gimmick to go between FPS arenas.
Suppose that's it, keep up the good work.