Interesting concept and fun to play game, felt like original and a bit sussy!
A bit of learning curve, at least for me I have to test which is considered by fraud
- from colors?, from texts? or from the content of specific format?
- ended up with -100 salary but managed to comeback to 1400 by throwing local pedal and angry mob, lol
The choice of ads included in the scroll is indeed "cultered" xD
I find the Gameplay to be funny, like:
1. I pick up scroll
2. Scroll says attention, redacted, Important, I sign
- anything Else I throw away
- Fraud? doesn't matter I can throw any angry mob to recover my salary
I find it to be difficult to throw left and right side because of how the player is positioned
- It's kind of extra but I think it's nice if the player can walk for to aim, jumping will out will reward you with gameover, hahaha
- If we go with player able to walk, the mob should be able to throw rock, and if hit many times, gameover