Thanks for the long, in depth response. lol
It puts me at ease to know that many things either aren't implimented yet or can be explained. I felt like I was playing blind. The tutorial or F1 doesn't seem to explain everything, (or else I'm missing it) so I felt as was "playing blind," as it were. I guess a lot of it is just me needing to wait until more things are added/tweaked.
I don't mind an "it's broken and we know" answer, since now I know that you know about the broken parts.
It's just funny because while playing all but one game I stream, I generally keep the streams curse free (contrary to what my name would imply, I suppose) but I'll be damned if I wasn't raging on EFA everytime I've been on it. lol Now I can settle down.
Twitch channel is:
Yeah, a discord might be good to post bugs and have them consolidated in one place.
Sorry to hear about your job. Hopefully it's just a coronavirus related thing and you'll get it back once all this craziness is over.
Take care and stay safe guys.