Ok, so I've been playing/streaming this a lot more lately and I have a few questions for things that I just can't figure out.
How do you identify the unidentified module you have get at the beginning of the game?
Is there a way to "rest" like in many roguelikes? A way to heal without finding one of the hard to come by, red stims?
Is there (or will there be) a way to compare things without picking them up? As it stands now, my inventory will be full and I'll have to drop something to pick up the thing in a chest to compare it, then drop ans pick up things again, so that's kind of annoying.
Do the stats only do what the box says, (i.e. increase inventory, give you higher max HP, etc) or do they also do other things. Meaning if you put point into STR does it make you do more melee damage or just give an inventory slot? Does VIT make you take less damage or just increase your max HP? I mean, putting points into VIT is kind of pointless if it doesn't buff your damage resistance. Red stims are so rare in this game that just an increase of max HP that you can't fill is worthless.
What do the three shapes in the armor specs represent? The top, the middle "play button" looking one and the barrel looking symbol at the bottom? I've no idea what each one means.
Do you absolutely HAVE to destroy things to get drops? Like the chests, ammo boxes, medical stations, etc. Or is there a command to just loot them? Some chests open when you walk onto them, and it seems like everything else you have to destroy.
Sometimes there is a =|1 symbol (like an equals sign with a line through it) that appears just left of the character section of the game on the right. What does it mean or represent?
This last thing isn't so much a question as a criticism. As much as I like this game, it is very frustrating. Just not in the way a roguelike should be. I'm a little unsure what the reasoning behind the points pool system you're using is? There are many times that I'll walk into say, the first room, and there will be five or six enemies there that spot me. With a normal roguelike "one turn for each player/enemy" system, you'd have a chance to wind your way around and keep some distance. With this system, it's horrible. Running away is often not a viable option with the way the system is designed. Combat starts and you take your turn, then you're stuck helpless as mobs come at you with multiple hits or surround you. Many times I've died in the first room you'll move into because I'm immediately spotted (especially with the low visual soldier class) and there's nothing to do. Everything seems to have more movements/attacks and backing up isn't an option given the fact that the beginning room only has the one way out. This is not an issue with only the first room, I'm just using it as an example because that is the most frustrating time it happens. I mean, the tilesets, sounds and overall ambiance to the game is top notch, but the way that points pool system is implemented is... not great. I mean, you seem to be going for an XCOM sorta thing here, but it doesn't seem to work particularly well in this context.
At any rate, sorry for all the questions and thanks in advance.
*Edited for spelling mistakes*