So I was in Lil Puss Language again...
Since Lil Puss Language was, like, no better, I went to the Bunker myself, took the Gas Mask, got everything I needed, and was finally about to play the PlayStation game when guess what?
The Gas Mask just as yet takes you nowhere.
Well that was a waste
*sigh* I also got 9 notebooks but the same thing happened again, only this time I couldn't open the door to where the last notebook was. No matter what I did.
The ninth language notebook was in the backroom (Doggos' hideout), but I didn't really check the rest (i.e. the ones in the room with the painting or the ones in the classrooms among the two other diverging paths).
After dying to "an onion" that is so much of a meme at this point that even the game doesn't even take it seriously (you should switch the achievement and game over screen names), I found out what was really going on. ...The game is broken.

Oh, and Marzia had so many mechanics already (progressive speedup, flash repulsion breaking doors to closet, watermelon attraction breaking doors, sight-induced speedup, waiting at doors), so I don't think she really needed a tongue, especially one that would hinder her progress in the final chase. (She stops moving when she uses it.)
Perhaps Viktor and Alice should have more mechanics too. I think