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Yet another wonderful suggestion, in two parts:

1. Something to heal him with. Basically, something that would not reattach limbs, but it could heal flesh wounds, like cuts and bullet holes.

2. Something to maybe boost his health/durability, so that you could have the option to be able to do more to him without him dying as fast.

1. So the skin/muscle will grow back, filling in the holes? And some health will be restored too?

I'm not sure about this one, all the tools are "realistic", but this is sort of sci-fi.

2. Two ideas I had for this were some kind of syringe for a health boost, and anesthetic, which would reduce damage to an area for a short amount of time.

There is a slight problem with the idea of anesthesia here. An anesthetic injection or solution would not reduce damage, it would only make it so the pain is barely felt. The victim would still die just as quickly, most likely from blood loss.

Hmmm that's true.
I was thinking less pain = less damage. For the sake of the game I think it conveys the right idea even if it isn't 100% realistic.

And to answer your question in the other comment, yes I will be adding this and the scalpel, though I can't say how soon that will happen.