Cool battle system: I like the fast pacing battle system that ends in 1-3 turns, tho its kinda broken bcs of the items that heal 100% hp and mp on the whole party and also bcs they all heal and revive after the battle. I know you probably did it bcs of the gamejam rules but in a serious game those items should be nerfed or at least not usable during a battle. Also why can't I sell items in any shop? It's so restricting... About some details:
That's interesting furniture placement... In credits it says that you use yanflys plugins, so you could use yanflys doodads plugin to even the bed and tables.
You can also use yanfly sprite offset plugin to adjust npcs Y coordinate to make it look like they're sitting on chairs for real.
"wiazrd", "suppsoed" and "vey"? There are a lot of typos throughout the game. Also why did you make blackscreen during a dialog with the barman? It was kinda unnecessary you could make the MC walk up to the counter instead so they could actually talk.
About some bugs that I found:
After the starting cutscene you can go back and if you enter this cave it will teleport you back to your tent but there's no way to return to the ship again(or at least I didn't find any)
During the scene before the final battle when the queen talks, there's an open exit so instead of doing what she says you can just walk away XD. In other words I found the secret alternative ending which I'm sure you didn't plan: The whole team just says "oh screw it!" and just walk away instead of fighting the final boss. They return to MCs home island and live happily ever after.
And there they are in MCs tent
Also the main character is actually a time traveler! After you beat the final boss, instead of talking to the king to get your reward you can just go out and re-enter the castle and go back in time so you can return to where the final boss is and fight him again and save the world as many times as you want.
That's all I noticed, I guess you were in a rush to make it in time for the submission period. I hope you'll consider all of this while making the main project.