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A member registered Feb 28, 2020 · View creator page →

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Syrup: Pastille, we need to cook!

The Greed skill hits 2 times and I forgot to reduce the damage. It's rating period so I can't fix that sadly=( I don't know what skills you have but if you have Riposte you can try using that, since it counterattacks the Greed skill.

Did you buy skills from Mr.Rat? 


Nah, I'll probably make a remake. Or make it in another media format. 

But its not gonna be anytime soon.

lol you're a genius 

Take the chicken form and force the old man to chase you then enter the crackhole to exit from the other side and pick up the rope.

GODDAMNIT I THOUGHT I FIXED IT >_<. She's supposed to say "I'll be in a minute" and thats it. Seems like I forgot to upload the fixed version. Thanks for reporting. 

They're on the upper part of the map

You need to collect all the wandering flames (those blue flames that move around) to open the gate. But alternatively you can touch the chalice and it will unlock the gate without collecting the wandering flames.

(1 edit)

Hey Damian, I liked your game. Judging by the name I expected some kind of sad romance story but what I got was fine too. Here are some pluses and minuses:
+ Amazing interface (looks like classic jrpg interface) 
+ Big variety of skills and possibility for different playstyles even with 1 character 
+ Good mapping  
+ I like how they communicate with emojis lol 
- Interface in battles is kinda hard to read due to small font and wide screen resolution
- The first boss has WAY too much HP, it took more time to kill him with 3 ppl then it took to kill the last boss and his party with 1 guy. 
By the way, the story kinda caught my interest but I'm not sure if I got it right. I came to an assumption that after the first fight those 2 girls came back to their world but the mc got teleported back to the past. He's been possessed by some dark energy or whatever and attacked everyone he met. After the last fight, he became the dark lord that he and his party defeated at the very beginning, thus the first boss is actually him, and its an endless cycle where he defeats his evil self -> get sent to the past -> becomes the villain -> gets killed by his past self and the cycle repeats. Please let me know if i got the story right! I'm very curious about it.

Couldn't find you on discord so I notified you here

I made a playthrough video of your game with my feedback:

Couldn't find you on discord so I notified you here

I made a playthrough video of your game with my feedback:

Couldn't find you on discord so I notified you here

I made a playthrough video of your game with my feedback: 

Couldn't find you on discord so I notified you here
I made a playthrough video of your game with my feedback:

I never use "exclude unused files" because it actually removes files that can be used in the game. It leads to a bug where the game tries to load a file that was removed. 

I could playtest the game to find which removed files are used and replace them. But the game size isnt that big its not worth it. 

Those battle sprite are so cute 

they remind me of 100% orange juice

P.S. The game is too easy and this game jam is not hosted by drifty so it didnt have to be so

tho I only played for 30 min so mb I'm wrong and its get harder later 

Thanks for the first comment every comment on my game makes my day better ^-^

By the way I've never watched Twilight Zone but I guess I'm gonna give it a shot

Use mr.rat on the ground at the exact spot where the main character stops.

After driftys stream I decided to check this game for my own.  The story and cutscenes were cool even tho I didnt get to know the ending bcs I have no idea what to do after the girl visited her fathers grave. 

About the gameplay: 

-I cannot access the menu and its very annoying: I can't change settings, look at what items I have or load a game. 

-Even with the vast tutorial at the first battle I still don't understand the battle system(I'm not stupid) like whats the point of targeting different parts of body, where is the characters hp and mp and is the mc invincible? Its really hard to tell bcs the HUD is so confusing.

In the end I rated it slightly higher than the average jam entries I've played before. 

I'm both impressed and frustrated by this game. 

I'm impressed by the plot and game mechanics but I'm frustrated bcs even tho the story is interesting the game wouldnt let me finish it and see the ending. And the gameplay here is really bugged and badly done. Basically I would say everything that pikamew said and also add that for some reason my skills didn't work, I dunno why mb its bcs I changed action keys but sometimes I could use spells and sometimes I couldn't it was very random. And oh boy... Those cutscenes... When you set movement in an autorun event you should either leave the "skip if" option on or use yanfly's move route plugin it will allow to use coordinates in set movement option.

I also personally think that both of the gameplay features you applied (ABS and survival sim) are pretty raw. It's like you spend a lot of time on both of those things and none of them is good bcs you put too much into your short game instead of focusing on something one. 

1st about the survival stuff: I personally like your survival system even more than sykarjon's but trees used to make a fire aren't supposed to respawn everytime you exit the cave, there should be more recipes for items than 3 (mb there's a way to get more recipes but I didn't find any). Also let the player craft equipment.

2nd the ABS: I was tripping over those plants all the time XD make them passable and get rid of that bridge or make it straight and wide. Also those bats deal 0 damage, let them deal more damage but respawn only after you re enter the dungeon. I think the fairy or at least MCs sister should be a full party member bcs his sister is actually useless she deals 0 damage even to chickens and I can't do anything to change that.  

Wow Pika you should be a pro playtester

When I'll finish my main project I'm totally hiring you to playtest XD

(2 edits)

After the stream I was finally able to finish the game XD

Here some stuff I want to tell you about:

- I liked the characters and story but sometimes  the dialogs were unclickable like at the end before the final boss I tried pressing "A" but it didnt work so I probably accidentally skipped an important part of a plot.

- When you pick up the blessing cross it tells you that you can use the shortcut "B" to activate items but it doesnt tell you that you can do it to use items on the objects on map, thats what left so many players confused later on.

- Ester's healing spell is weaker than potions and you can only use it on one ally so its pretty useless 

- BGM when you talk to the final boss is so chill (I think it was "Scene1"). And you also used "Castle1" in a dungeon... Why?  Most of the time your BGM is out of place, background music is supposed to add up to the atmosphere of the game. Now this dungeon feels like a usual visit to a friendly castle where you chill with a friendly serpent lady while sipping some english tea.

Too bad you couldn't finish the game, the story kinda dragged my interest. Even tho it ended right when it started to get interesting. Though, writing a dark story is hard to handle bcs ppl usually don't want to feel these negative emotions and think about these problems. But there are some ways to make the story intriguing and interesting so it would keep readers\players in it.


First of all, the bullying scene was very implausable . Joey's  behavior feels so unnatural that its even hard to be mad at him bcs he acts like a paid actor. He used this complicated insidious scheme, broke several laws and risked getting a jail sentence just to get a revenge on a little girl that outsmarted him? I know humans may be unreasonably cruel but this certain scenario seems very unrealistic. In this case Joey didn't need to resort to any complicated schemes bcs his victim is just a little girl that can't fight back.

Second, the cutscene was very long. Mostly it's bcs Joey's plan was unnecessary long. And you could make dialogs shorter, some things they discuss barely make any sense (I mean in general not only in this cutscene). 

Third, why did you use the same face image for every girl of young age? Not only they look the same it also makes them look like emotionless dolls. You should've use different face images to show different emotions and make them look younger but not similar.

In summary, you need to write angst story that way so the problems that character has to deal with were realistic and relatable. Characters should show their emotions to make everyone feel what they're feeling. And lastly, strive to tell the story and drag ppl into it before they lose interest bcs of how long the intro is.

Cool battle system: I like the fast pacing battle system that ends in 1-3 turns, tho its kinda broken bcs of the items that heal 100% hp and mp on the whole party and also bcs they all heal and revive after the battle. I know you probably did it bcs of the gamejam rules but in a serious game those items should be nerfed or at least not usable during a battle. Also why can't I sell items in any shop? It's so restricting... About some details:

That's interesting furniture placement... In credits it says that you use yanflys plugins, so you could use yanflys doodads plugin to even the bed and tables.


You can also use yanfly sprite offset plugin to adjust npcs Y coordinate to make it look like they're sitting on chairs for real.

(Example from my game)

"wiazrd", "suppsoed" and "vey"? There are a lot of typos throughout the game. Also why did you make blackscreen during a dialog with the barman? It was kinda unnecessary you could make the MC walk up to the counter instead so they could actually talk. 

About some bugs that I found:

After the starting cutscene you can go back and if you enter this cave it will teleport you back to your tent but there's no way to return to the ship again(or at least I didn't find any)

During the scene before the final battle when the queen talks, there's an open exit so instead of doing what she says you can just walk away XD. In other words I found the secret alternative ending which I'm sure you didn't plan: The whole team just says "oh screw it!" and just walk away instead of fighting the final boss. They return to MCs home island and live happily ever after.

And there they are in MCs tent 

Also the main character is actually a time traveler! After you beat the final boss, instead of talking to the king to get your reward you can just go out and re-enter the castle and go back in time so you can return to where the final boss is and fight him again and save the world as many times as you want.

That's all I noticed, I guess you were in a rush to make it in time for the submission period. I hope you'll consider all of this while making the main project.