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I won't mind if you can't add all of these things, but at the very least please try to make it so that he can bleed to death, and add bandages for it.

(1 edit)

I just found another bug, somehow I ripped his arms off and he is not bleeding, nor did he lose any health. Also, when I use the spikes, If I release them and the mouse is not directly on the person, the spikes will not make an entry wound or exit wound, but the guy still loses health. Oh, and if I DO rip his arms off and they don't bleed, the game no longer responds to any keys that I press, and it also doesn't respond to clicks, but the game is still running and all the physics, aside from the person freezing in place, work fine.


Ok it's strange but the two bugs only happen in the release build of the game.
Which is why I missed them because I often neglect to test after building.

I'm still not really sure why they are happening so it might take me a while to fix.