I think this came out pretty well! The challenge level is pretty high, as others mentioned. The first time through I got wasted on the end boss. Second time I somehow failed on the first tank. Third time was a charm. I found avoiding the boss's machine gun was very difficult, and had to just soak it once I was confident that I was close to the win.
I do wish there was a little more story, but it's a good prologue. The shield partner you mentioned that got cut could be a cool mechanic. Though it might actually go against the name of the game, lol.
I understand where you're at though. My Devtober project got totally de-railed by a combo of (paid) work taking over, and then feeling burnt out and lazy when I had any free time. I feel like I got 3x as much done for this 2-week jam as I did in that entire month. Poor Melody. Maybe I'll finish that game someday.
Anyway, keep it! Looking forward to what you make next. :)