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Very nice-looking game! I dig the circular inventory :). The multiple soundtracks with the combination of new colors made the game feel fresh on each planet :). The character controls quite well (sometimes I wanted to use arrow keys though :D), I definitely like the ability to sprint. The game window is a bit small, which is cool :), but I'm used to fullscreen ;).

I found it hard to craft. I think it has to do with the game having a lot of different "tables" (each with their own recipes). Since you loose almost everything each time you die, it is tough to experiment and find new recipes.

The enemies, while fun to try to dodge them :D, were pretty unforgiving. With practicly no indication they're going to attack and the ability to jump at you from offscreen, they felt a bit unfair.

And for the upgrade system, it has suprisingly many levels of depth: you have to collect XP to then level up to get skill points to actually upgrade. I think it could use some simplification - especially since the upgrades don't share the skill points, so there is no real choice - you just have to come in and upgrade (so this could be automatic?).

But hey, it's a very nice game :). From the encyklopedia I can see there is a lot of depth to the game! There is a ton of content everywhere you look, from the planet variety to things to craft. Big thumbs up for that! And generally, well done :)!


Thank you! I always appreciate feedback, weather its positive or negative. I forget what button allows fullscreen (Gamemaker's default buttons) but I can add an option for fullscreen in game for the next update.

As for the crafting, I was thinking of implementing a system to allow you to analyze objects which would fill in recipe slots in the encyclopedia to give the player more clues on what could be crafted with. I suppose unless you "know" what recipe to go after, it does have a difficulty curve.

I tried giving enemies a visual indicator which would be them shaking, followed by an attack. The plant also changes to a brighter green when readying to spit. I do need to work on the enemy AI some more, maybe add a bit more visual flare to their attack. The spaceships were already a pain to try and code properly (before they'd just stop right in front of you without hitting, which was kinda boring). As for off screen "sucker-punches" such as walking into the next room, I could improve the check for the AI to not attack you until your IN that room. You are correct that it is unfair to be smacked by a ufo or burned by acid before entering a room.

I'm thinking of redoing the menu as an interactive menu that you can hop over to your skill computer* when it gives you an alert. (*Not necessarily a computer, but something perhaps?). Skills have 2 purposes. One is their level benefit which health skill (hard to ever notice) will increase your max health and survival (easier to notice) will increase your time. The second is the skill points benefit which (for the jam there was only 1 option, but I may add more options) health skill would increase bonus time when jumping planets and survival is adding more inventory slots after death. I may redesign it so player jump times are also a Survival skill, and then add skills like food gives health bonus and somethin else for the Health skill. But I do see your point about automatic upgrading. If that would be the case a small countdown thing would say "your X levels away from this bonus" rather than "come here to buy my wares!"

In late development I thought of a way to decrease the number of items I had to make since a lot of them were just grade variants, so the next update may have a few less items in the encyclopedia since I'd be rewriting it to say how to generally craft that item, but using better versions of the ingredients will make a better quality item. I hope you come check the game out once I get a juicy update released.

Thank you for your time, have a nice and safe day!