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This concept has a lot of potential! But it needs a lot of time, skill and iteration cycles to make good levels so it's understandable it was short. So yeah, main primary complaints are the shortness and the complexity of the levels. All of them were pretty straight forward except the one with the many doors, where I had to pay attention to what doors did what to know in what order to press them. That level was on to something. One small QOL improvement I have is to increase the range from which the plug would latch to the button. I would need to make pretty precise mouse movements to do everything quickly. I didn't have trouble doing it myself but I feel a game of that type needs to have a little more lenient input difficulty in general. Cool game. :)

Thanks for playing! Making interesting levels that weren't too easy was definitely a challenge with the small amount of components there were (buttons, levers, doors, lasers, and spikes). I had ideas for a bunch of other things you could plug in to but I didn't have time to implement them. It originally had a larger radius for plugging in, but it led to some bugs with the wire not bending around walls correctly. I'm thinking of continuing to work on this after the jam ends and rework how the wire bends and add more components so that there can be much more interesting levels that are more puzzle focused as opposed to time focused.